
This is a submission for the challenge "Traffic Management" published by grab in May 2019.

The website is here :

The task consist in predicting the demand for rides for 5 time steps (of 15 min) given data for the preceding 2 weeks.

The input data comes in a csv file, with the following columns: "geohash6","day","timestamp","demand", the file should be comma (",") separated

This submision should be run on python 3.5 and judged on the basis of the following step by step, assuming the input file is called input.csv:

  1. install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. retrain the pretrained networks with the new data (note the option -f that means to retrain with default values):

python -f

  1. predict the next 5 timesteps:


This will generate a file called prediction.csv

The solution submitted here consists of several steps:

  • aggregate the data one level higher (geohash5) and normalize it
  • predict the next time steps at the aggregate normalized level with a recurrent neural network (2 hidden LSTM layers)
  • denormalize and scale the data to avoid topline demand loss (most recent training period vs actual)
  • predict the time step at the granular level (geohash6) by using the forecast of the step before with a "vanilla" neural network (1 hidden layers)

-> the key advantages of the solution are:

  • aggregating data at a higher level makes the training data (input and output) less scarce. Thus, we can reach a high accuracy of forecasting without overfitting
  • predictions at a higher level are a useful output since they indicate an area of operation for drivers and even if the granular demand doesn't materialize, the demand will happen in a reasonable distance from the forecast
  • topline demand is very accurate and can support staffing in call center for example

There are several options available from the command line:

-h for help 
-i to name the input file unless it is called "input.csv"


-t1 will only train the recurrent network
-e1 <value> will train the recurrent network for the given number of epochs (default is 100)

-t2 will only train the second network
-e2 <value> will train the second network for the given number of epochs (default is 3000)

-rs with recalculate the scaling factor

-f will retrain all based on the default values


-o to name the output file otherwise it is called "prediction.csv"


python can be run without trainig but it means the prediction is made from the pretrained weights, which it is not recommended if the input data is different from the training

If python -f takes too long you can consider running python -t2 and only train the second network which is where most of the training benefits are. If this is still too long you can limit the number of epochs to 1000 with python -t2 -e2 1000

Training the networks will generate statistics and graphs for a test period made of the last 5 timesteps in the input file

Training of the networks generates the files output.csv and output2.csv respectively for the recurrent network and "vanilla" network. The files contain set of 2 rows, one for the prediction on each of the last 5 timesteps followed by the actual value for the time step. The columns are each of the geohash.

The file geodata.dat contains a list of the geohash6 ids found in the initial training data. This enables to use data that contains less geohash6 id, but not more. The code will fail if an additional geohash6 data is introduced. In this case, the network will need to be reset by changing the variable start_from_previous and start_from_previous2 to False in the file. This will delete all the pretrained weights and will require significantly more epochs to converge

The file scaling_vector.dat contains the correction factor that is applied after the output of the first network and before entering the second one

The files model.h5x and model2.h5x are "Keras exports" of the weights to be used as pretraining for both networks

After training, each network will replace the .h5x files. In addition the first network will generate a model.h5 file to be saved in the models folder