
Client to sleuth for registering deploys

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Sleuth Client

sleuth-client connects your git repository to Sleuth. It collects deployment information from your local git repository and publishes it to Sleuth.

Sleuth Client is available to install in binary form on Linux and macOS or any other system that supports Python 3.8.


The sleuth client supports multiple commands. To discover what they are, run:

sleuth --help

Most commands require the -k argument to be first passed in, which is the API key used to authenticate to Sleuth.

If the command needs an org or code deployment slug, these can be found in the URL for your target code deployment in the Sleuth UI. For example, this URL is to the my_deployment code deployment for the my_org organization:



The deploy command collects diff information from a local git repository and submits it to Sleuth as a "deploy" or release. For example:

sleuth -k my_key deploy -o my_org -d my_deployment .


The validate command takes a Sleuth Actions file as an argument and validates it against your organization's schema. It allows you to validate your rules.yml file either locally or in a continuous integration (CI) server.

To learn more about Sleuth Actions and the file format, see the documentation.

For example:

sleuth -k my_key deploy -o my_org -d my_deployment .sleuth/rules.yml


The set-health command sets the health for a deployment by finding the latest deploy for that deployment and overriding its health.

For example:

sleuth -k my_key set-health -o my_org -d my_deployment unhealthy



The latest release can be downloaded directly via:

wget https://github.com/sleuth-io/sleuth-client/releases/latest/download/sleuth
chmod 755 sleuth


The latest release can be downloaded directly via:

wget https://github.com/sleuth-io/sleuth-client/releases/latest/download/sleuth-macOS
chmod 755 sleuth-macOS


The latest release can be downloaded directly in PowerShell via:

wget https://github.com/sleuth-io/sleuth-client/releases/latest/download/sleuth-Windows -OutFile sleuth.exe