
coding dojo - because pairing on code is so much better.

Primary LanguageRuby


coding dojo - because pairing on code is so much better.

Simple setup


setup a directory and RSpec tests

# setup directory
mkdir demo-code-kata
cd demo-code-kata
asdf local ruby 3.3.4       # latest at time of writing

# add rspec test suite
bundle init                 # generates a blank Gemfile
bundle add rspec            # adds rspec to Gemfile
bundle exec rspec --init    # configures spec/spec_helper.rb etc

# add --format documentation to .rspec file
sed -i.bak 'a\
  --format documentation' .rspec && rm .rspec.bak

bundle exec rspec

Create a test file

cat <<EOF > spec/yet_another_code_kata_spec.rb
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'yet_another_code_kata'

RSpec.describe YetAnotherCodeKata do
  it('returns true, as there is always another code kata') do
    yet_another_code_kata = YetAnotherCodeKata.new
    expect(yet_another_code_kata.run).to eq true
bundle exec rspec

That will fail ❌ [🅁 🄴 🄳 ], so let's create a simple implementation

mkdir lib
cat <<EOF > lib/yet_another_code_kata.rb
# frozen_string_literal: true

class YetAnotherCodeKata
  def run()= true


setup Jest tests

cd demo-code-kata
asdf local nodejs 20.10.0

npm init --yes

# if you haven't already
# brew install jq
# add jest to package.json runner scripts (requires jq)
echo $(jq '.scripts.test="jest"' package.json) | jq . \
    | > package_new.json && mv package{_new,}.json

npm install --save-dev jest typescript @types/jest

write a test

cat <<EOF > yet-another-code-kata.test.js
import yetAnotherCodeKata from './yet-another-code-kata';

describe("yet another code kata", () => {
  it("returns true, as there is always another code kata", () => {
npm test

this will fail

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

can be fixed using bable (or type: module and .mjs files)

npm install --save-dev @babel/preset-env

cat <<EOF > babel.config.js
module.exports = {
  presets: [
    ['@babel/preset-env', {targets: {node: 'current'}}],

The test still fails ❌ [🅁 🄴 🄳 ], so let's create a simple implementation

cat <<EOF > yet-another-code-kata.js
export default () => true;

you can run tests in watch mode

npm test -- --watch


on top of what is in javascript, setup typescript

npm install --save-dev @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-typescript

cat <<EOF > babel.config.js
module.exports = {
  presets: [
    ['@babel/preset-env', {targets: {node: 'current'}}],

change your test and implementation to .ts endings from .js.


to list options


start a ruby rspec project

make project name=awesome-problem

  # which will attempt to
  mkdir awesome-problem
  cd awesome-problem
  bundle init
  vi Gemfile
  # and add
    gem "rspec"
    gem "guard-rspec"

  bundle exec rspec --init
  bundle exec guard init rspec

  # add this to spec/spec_helper.rb to require all ruby files in /lib
  # require all the lib files
    File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "..", "lib", "**", "*.rb")
  ].each { |f| require f }

  # run the tests
  bundle exec rspec

# all that will be left to do is
cd awesome-problem-one

# run the tests
bundle exec rspec

# run the tests in watch mode
bundle exec guard

Commit Awesome

  • Co-authored-by

    make setup_co_authors
    git mob --list
    git mob saramic   # mob with github username
    # stored in
    cat ~/.git-coauthors
    # and apply to template in
    cat ~/.gitcommit
  • Lolcommits

    make setup_lolcommits
      # which basically will
      gem install lolcommits
      lolcommits --enable --delay 1 --animate 6 --fork
    # show last lol
    make last_lol
    # show all the lols
    make all_the_lols
    # disable with
    make disable_lolcommits
