
Primary LanguageJava


Names & SID:

Ruifeng Zhang 915275849 Zhongquan Chen 913875678

Compliation and Execution steps

We use IntelliJ IDEA IDE for this project, hence we can simply setup "-deprecation" command line parameters in the settings. Press the green triangle button inside the IDE to run the proxy.

Testing process(Windows 10)

  1. Clear the browsing history of the browser.
  2. Go to the Setting of Windows 10, then go to Network and Internet->Proxy->Manual proxy setup.
  3. Enter "localhost" into the address field and a desired port number
  4. Try to access the webpage: http://gaia.cs.umass.edu/, if you get the error, that means the brwoser is talking to the proxy.
  5. Start the proxy with previously entered port number.
  6. Try to access the webpage: http://gaia.cs.umass.edu/ again
  7. The page now display correctly
  8. Test completed