
A web Todos application built using fairos REST API and FDP Play.

Primary LanguageSvelte

Todos with FairOS and FDP Play

An web3 Todos application built using FairOS REST API and FDP Play.


Local Development Setup


  • node and npm must be installed
  • docker must be installed
  • the following ports must be free and available for FDP Play to use
    • 1634 and 1635 - for the queen bee node
    • 9545 - for the blockhain
    • 9090 - for fairOS

Install fdp-play globally

$ npm install -g @fairdatasociety/fdp-play

Spin up a local FDP development environment with fairos

$ fdp-play start --fairos

Setup & Installation:

Clone the repo

$ git clone https://github.com/fairDataSociety/fairos-TODO-app-example.git
$ cd fairos-TODO-app-example

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Env file setup

Copy .env.example to .env:

$ cp .env.example .env

Generate a Postage Batch Id:

$ curl -s -XPOST http://localhost:1635/stamps/10000000/18


Update the VITE_BEE_POSTAGE_BATCH_ID in your .env file with the "batchId" returned in the previous step.

Run application

Requirements: fdp-play must be running already!

$ npm run dev

The application can be viewed at - http://localhost:5173/


Login / Register Page:


Todo List:
