
Reason: image not found

Closed this issue · 6 comments

diesel database setup

I'm sorry, do you have trouble with something? Not sure what this issue is for.

when I follow readme to launch this proj, after run diesel database setup, It gives error "Reason: image not found"

I wonder to know if I lost any step for installing all dependencies

I'm not sure what to tell you -- I don't think that kind of error message exists anywhere in the Diesel CLI.

You're going to have to be more clear. You have the correct diesel CLI installed, right? Type in which diesel and diesel --version and make sure it says something like:

 allen@harumi  ~/Projects   master ●  which diesel
 allen@harumi  ~/Projects   master ●  diesel --version
diesel 1.4.0

On Windows, you may see it as something like %USERPROFILE%/.cargo/bin/diesel.

If not, you'll have to figure out how to install the diesel CLI properly. Make sure you are running this command (diesel database setup or diesel setup) in the root of this project (where the "migrations" folder is).

That's it.
#which diesel /Users/xxx/.cargo/bin/diesel
#diesel version dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libmysqlclient.21.dylib Referenced from: /Users/xxx/.cargo/bin/diesel Reason: image not found Abort trap: 6
thx, seems that I need make a deeper searching for diesel installation.

I don't cover how to install the diesel CLI in my guide, since the link to their page should describe it all. But if you are only using postgres and your postgres paths are properly linked in your environment, it should work. Since it looks like you've figured it out, I'll be closing this issue.