- Postgresql
- Go 1.1
This guide is written for OS X. Other operating systems will need to follow a similar process, but should use native package managers, etc. Translating to other OSs is left as an exercise for the reader.
OS X requires the "Command Line Tools for XCode". You will need an apple developer account. You can download them here: https://developer.apple.com/downloads
This is how we will install application dependencies
For OS X, use HomeBrew. You can get it here: http://brew.sh/
This helps our application stay independent from whatever else you're working on.
Follow instructions for setting up RVM (https://rvm.io). Use Homebrew or your favorite package manager to setup the dependencies
brew install postgresql
Follow the instructions printed out after the installation to both:
* create a database named "postgres"
* start postgresql on launch (optional)
If you lose that information, it can be retrieved again via `brew info postgresql`
Open a psql console and create the fantasysports database
current-time[dir]yourprompt % psql -h localhost postgres
psql (9.1.9, server 9.3.1)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# create database fantasysports;
postgres=# create user fantasysports with password 'F4n7a5y' superuser;
## Setup the Rails Application
`cd` into the webapp directory, this should cause rvm to create the gemset or complain that you don't have the proper ruby version installed.
Install the proper ruby version:
rvm install ruby-2.0.0-p195
rvm use ruby-2.0.0-p195@fantasysports` # shouldn't need to do this, but can't hurt.
Install dependencies
bundle install
rake db:migrate
rake db:setup_functions
rake db:seed
Start the rails server:
rails s
You can now open localhost:3000 in a browser
## Setup the Data Fetcher
Install golang (v1.1.1 as of this writing):
brew install go
Seed some data:
# From the webapp directory
rake seed:data --trace
## Weekly update emails
To send a weekly update email to all users, run:
rake email:queue_digests
This should be run by a weekly cron job that emails an error if one occurs. It should run quickly and without errors, because it just creates a resque job for each user, and doesn't save to the database or send emails. Resque failed jobs and the email service (like SendGrid) will need to be monitored to ensure delivery.
To send to a single user, run:
rake email:queue_digest_for_user[mail@example.com]
To send to a single user without Resque, fire up rails console and run:
user = User.where(email: 'mail@example.com').first
## Credentials
Do not forget to add config for paypal and other constants to run app