Offline session register for Moodle 
Author:     Domenico Pontari <>
License: GNU GPL v3 or later
Copyright:  2012 Institute of Tropical Medicine - Antwerp

Offline session register allows all users enrolled into a course to create, 
modify and delete offline sessions.
An offline session is defined as a period of time spent studying on a book or
doing any other activity which doesn't involve the generation of logs on Moodle.
Users can associate an offline session to a activity or a resource in the same course
in which the register is present. A description can be added for each offline session.

Offline session register can work together with Session Report.
Session report is a Moodle report plugin used to display sessions; when you install
both offline session register and session report, you will be able to display reports
for online and offline sessions together and download them.
For more information about session report visit: