
Menu with floating animations, expand and compress animations.

Primary LanguageSwift

🖼 FloatingMenu

FloatingMenu with expand and compress animation, written in Swift

alt text alt text

🔨 How to use

  • Add FloatingMenuView.swift and FloatingMenuView.xib to your project.
  • If Static identifiers needed then use Constants.swift file.
  • Use the ExtensionClass.swift file for Menu button extension title alignment
  • You can use CustomButtonView as the UIbutton Class

You can instantiate the menu by using on a button action

 let menuView = FloatingMenuView(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
 menuView.alpha = 0
 UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, delay: 0, options: [.transitionCrossDissolve], animations: {
   menuView.alpha = 1
  }, completion: nil)

on each view controller you have to manually add view and set the identifier for each view controller

  let btnCustom = CustomButtonView(frame: CGRect(x: view.bounds.maxX - 100, y: view.bounds.maxY - 100, width: 70, height: 70))
  btnCustom.controllerIdentifier = Constants.VC_TAG_VALUE.TWO_TAG


Inside the FloatingMenuView.swift you can set the COLUMN_COUNT and ROW_COUNT

Use MenuModel as the Model data for each menu button.

properties available to the model are

- storyBoardName
- storyBoardId
- title
- selectedImage
- unSelectedImage

On creating the Model array of menu button set the specific properties for each.

let Model = MenuModel(storyBoardName: "Main", storyBoardId: Constants.IDENTIFIERS.ONE_CONTROLLER,title: "Captain", selectedImage: "cap-icon", unSelectedImage: "cap-icon")

👤 Author

Faisal Azeez faisalazeez7@gmail.com

📄 License

Floating-Menu is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.