
Neighborhood Survey Builder Mobile

Primary LanguageJavaScript

We want to make it very easy for neighborhood organizations to collect good
information about the things they care about, like property condition,
vacancy, points of interest, and more. You can check out the app on
Github Pages

This project is part of a toolkit we’re building:

  • A survey builder tool
  • A mobile data collection app
  • A paper-based survey that’s easy to scan & automatically process
  • A small server to store and
    retrieve the results

Very much in prototype stage. Interested in helping out? Contact
detroit@codeforamerica.org for more details.

Running the app

The app is static HTML pages + javscript. You can run the app off any web
server, including github pages.

You will need to configure some parts:

  • In survey.html, change the action of the form to match the endpoint of your
    API server
  • In settings.js:
    • update the BASEURL to point to the endpoint of your API server
    • set the SURVEYID to match the survey ID from the API server
    • Set the locale, and set the map tilejson URL to match

The maps

The maps used in this app are rendered with TileMill. They use street data
from OpenStreetMap and parcel data from local municipalities (right now,
Detroit and San Francisco).

Here are the basic steps we followed — please feel free to contact us with
questions about the details:

  1. Download street data from the Metrio city extracts.
    You’ll want the “9.2 MB osm2pgsql shapefiles.”
  2. Get a shapefile with parcel data from your local municipality.
  3. Use TileMill to create and style map that combines those two data sources.
    You can get started with the TileMill tutorial
  4. Export the map as MBTiles
  5. Upload the map to the MapBox hosted service
  6. Use the TileJSON URL in this app.

Running tests

Load test/SpecRunner.html in a browser to run tests.