Awesome AWS AppSync curates the best AWS AppSync, tools, tutorials, articles and more. PRs are welcome!
- Developer Guide
- Building a React App
- Building a React Native App
- Building a Native iOS App
- Building a Native Android App
- Working with Real Time Data
- Security & Authorization
- Resolver Mapping Template Reference
- AWS Amplify GraphQL Client Documentation
- AWS AppSync Apollo Client Documentation
- Intro to AWS AppSync Pipeline Functions
- Using AWS AppSync Pipeline Resolvers for GraphQL Authorization
- How to deploy a GraphQL API on AWS using the Serverless Framework
- Serverless GraphQL with AWS AppSync and Lambda
- GraphQL authorization with multiple data sources using AWS AppSync
- Build a Multi-user GraphQL Table with AWS AppSync
- AWS AppSync — Up and Running with GraphQL in the Cloud
- What’s new with AWS AppSync (April 2018)
- Rethinking REST Practices
- Go Forth & AppSync
- Top 9 AWS AppSync Features You Didn’t Know About
- Build a serverless url shortener with AWS AppSync and React
- AWS AppSync code-centric development using CloudFormation
- Merge AppSync and Github API into One GraphQL API (on AWS Lambda)
- 8 steps to building your own serverless GraphQL API using AWS Amplify
- Build a GraphQL Service the easy way with AWS Amplify Model Transforms
- Create a Multiuser GraphQL CRUD(L) Elasticsearch App in 10 minutes with the new AWS Amplify CLI
- Implementing Search in GraphQL
- Building Serverless React GraphQL Applications with AWS AppSync
- SSR GraphQL with Next.js & AWS AppSync
- AWS AppSync App with React and Apollo
- GraphQL made easy by AWS AppSync
- Building a chat application using AWS AppSync and Serverless
- Building AI Enabled GraphQL Applications
- Tackling User Authorization in GraphQL with AWS AppSync
- Code an App With GraphQL, React Native, and AWS AppSync: The Back-End
- Code an App With GraphQL, React Native and AWS AppSync: The App
- Integrating Amazon Cognito Authentication with AWS AppSync on React Native
- Integrating AWS AppSync with React-Native-Navigation
- Connect an Android Kotlin App to the cloud with AWS AppSync and Android
- Reading the AWS AppSync JSON configuration file in Android
- Building Android Landmark App with AWS Amplify, Google Sign-In and GraphQL
- Scalable Offline-Ready GraphQL Applications with AWS AppSync & React
- How to AWS AppSync (YouTube)
- How to AWS AppSync (GitHub)
- AWS AppSync - User Authorization & Fine Grained Access Control
- AWS AppSync Authorization with Amazon Cognito User Pools
- Building an e-Commerce Loyalty App with GraphQL
- React Native Starter App - Serverless Pet Tracker
- A real time React Native application built using GraphQL & AWS AppSync
- Enterprise Twitter Clone
- GraphQL events app with realtime and offline functionality using AWS AppSync
- React Native Movies App: AWS AppSync, AWS Amplify, AWS Cognito, GraphQL, DynamoDB
- Basic React Native Implementation
- AI Enabled GraphQL with React Native
- React Native example with user authentication & authorization
- GraphQL events app with realtime and offline functionality using AWS AppSync
- AWS AppSync Recipe App
- AWS AppSync GraphQL Photo Sample
- Unicorn Loyalty: E-Commerce Serverless GraphQL Loyalty Sample App