
Node server to update SOLR config folder over http

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Node server to update SOLR config folder over http

To install just download and run UpdateSolrConfig download script as follows:

cd /opt/
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/faisalmansoor/UpdateSolrConfig/master/download.sh

This script will download the master branch from this repo into /opt/UpdateSolrConfig and run install.sh file.

install.sh will

  • Download node if not available in /opt/node and add it to path
  • Run npm install to install node dependencies
  • Install UpdateSolrConfigCtl file in init.d wich will autostart UpdateSolrConfig node server upon restart
  • Start UpdateSolrConfig node server on port 3333

Now you should be able to access UpdateSolrConfig node server remotely at http://hostanae:3333/, which should show the usage message.

Now you should be ready to push solr configuration folder using the following curl command.

USAGE: curl.exe -i -F "config=@config.zip" http://hostname:3333/solrdeploy?coreName=collection1

SolrDeploy POST request will:

  • Stop the solr server
  • Unzip files from config.zip into /solr/collection1/conf folder.
  • Start the solr server

Most of the log messages are send to client over http response, so you don't have to log into the server to see if something goes wrong. Server internal log is stored in /opt/UpdateSolrConfig/log folder which is a log place to check if the server fails to start etc.

Some paths are hardcoded in the script, so you might have to change them if you don't have solr in ths same folder.
