
The scoring server for SineRider game

Primary LanguageTypeScript

SineRider scoring server

The SineRider scoring API

How to use (endpoints)

It will return an object of the form

  "id": "id of record in airtable",
  "expression": "the-math-expression",
  "T": 3.5,
  "level": "levelName",
  "charCount": 5,
  "gameplay": "URL to a video of the gameplay using submitted solution"
  • Send a GET request to /all to get all the scores that have been saved. The scores have been sorted by charCount and T both in ascending order.

  • Send a GET request to /level/<LEVEL_NAME> (e.g /level/HELLO_WORLD) to get all scores for that specific level sorted by charCount and T.

  • Send a GET request to /generate to generate a new level and store it in airtable. Does not return the URL to the generated game

  • Send a GET request to /daily to get a random level from the airtable to play. Once the level is returned, the game url will be marked as played and may not be returned in the future.