
Microsoft IoT Cloud Workshop - Australia & New Zealand


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Microsoft Cloud Workshops are the closest thing to building your own Azure solution. Experts will guide attendees through a full end-to-end solution hack lab.

Please note: Workshop content presumes a 200 to 300-level of architectural expertise of infrastructure and solutions design in this domain (even if on another platform). We suggest attendees take the Microsoft Azure Essentials course as a prerequisite if unfamiliar with Azure.

Prerequisite: You will use your own Azure subscription or you can create your Azure free account prior to the workshop.

Two-Day IoT Cloud Workshop

The goal of this workshop is to develop a POC-quality IoT solution that includes IoT on the edge, device management, telemetry ingestion, hot/cold/warm path processing and reporting.

We begin with a short, informal Azure IoT briefing designed to explain key concepts and the latest announcement of the Azure IoT Suite and services. Please Download the presentation deck.

This will be followed by a hands-on lab session where you will learn how to implement an end-to-end solution simulating high velocity data emitted from smart meters and analysed in Azure. You will implement a lambda architecture, filtering a subset of the telemetry data for real-time visualization on the hot path, and storing all of the data in long-term cloud storage for the cold path.

Download Hands-on Lab (HOL)

Please download the HOL document.

If you are already comfortable with this HOL, you can proceed to the hack lab.

Hack Labs

During the hack lab, you can work individually or in your chosen group on any of the following scenarios:

PaaS Hack Labs

Borrow a MXChip IoT Devkit from one of your friendly workshop proctors

  • Bring-your-own-IoT-scenario and we will try our best to guide how you build it using Azure IoT services

SaaS Hack Lab

  • Check out this tutorial to see if you are keen to put on a hat as a device developer to connect a MXChip IoT DevKit (DevKit) device to your Microsoft IoT Central application. If the answer is yes, please follow the steps below.
  • Start a Microsoft IoT Central 30-day free trial. Create a new app and choose "Sample Devkits" as your application template. IoT Central

Borrow a MXChip IoT Devkit from one of your friendly workshop proctors