
Cassia SDK Implementation Guide

Primary LanguageJavaScript


User Cases API Sample Code
Scan devices from one router Through AC acScan.js
Scan, connect and get notification for one devices Through AC acNotify.js
Scan, connect from one router for multiple devices Through AC connectDevices.js
Scan, connect and get notification for multiple devices Through AC scanConnectNotify.js
Multiple devices connect to multiple routers Through AC connectDevicesWithMultipleRouters.js
Connect multiple devices in a batch Through AC acBatch.js
BLE device roamming Through AC roaming.js
Get room(router) based locationing info for device Through AC roomBasedPosition.js
Scan, connect and get notification for one devices Local scanConnectNotify(SingleRouter).js
scan, connect, collect notification from devices, and send data to custom endpoint Container containerApp

Cassia SDK Implementation Guide

This project contains code examples and a wiki for the Cassia SDK Implementation Guide.

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