
NoteMania is a user-friendly Android application designed to help you manage your notes effortlessly.

Primary LanguageJava


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NoteMania is an Android application designed to help users manage their notes efficiently.


  • Sign Up
  • Login with email verification
  • Forgot Password
  • Create Notes
  • Edit Notes
  • Delete Notes
  • View Notes
  • Logout

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Sign Up

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Login with Email Verification


Forgot Password

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Create, Edit, and Delete Notes

Create Note



Project Details

This project was developed as part of the course Software Engineering and Information Systems Laboratory (CSE 3120) at Khulna University of Engineering and Technology.

  • Platform: Android
  • Language: Java
  • Build Configuration Language: Groovy DSL
  • Database Used: Firebase
  • IDE Used: Android Studio
  • Design Pattern Implemented: Singleton Design Pattern
  • Testing Completed: Continuous Integration, UI Test
  • Contributors: