
A simple Symfony app for creating, listing, editing, viewing (as pdf) and email invoices.

Primary LanguagePHP


A simple Symfony app for creating, listing, editing, viewing (as pdf) and email invoices.

For running this application. Follow these steps :

  • Install PHP 5.6+
  • Install MySQL (The easiest way is to install WAMP, LAMP or XAMPP server)
  • Download wkhtmltopdf from here
  • Download and global install composer
  • Create a Database in MySQL and name it as InvoiceSales
  • Download the application and extract it.
  • Navigate to InvoiceSales-master folder open app/config/config.yml in any text editor. Search #KnpSnappyBundle Configuration and add installation path of wkhtmltopdf to binary
  • Navigate to InvoiceSales-master folder and open command prompt or terminal.
  • Run composer install
  • Run php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Configuring Email

  • Open app/config/config.yml and navigate to Swiftmailer Configuration

          transport: gmail
          username:  user_name
          password:  password
  • Replace user_name with you gmail username and your_password with your gmail password.

  • For other mail server configuration there is some additional configuration which can be checked from symfony documentation online.

Finally run php app/console server:run from the root_dir of project i.e. InvoiceSales and open localhost:8000 in browser to start the app.

Note : Tested in Chrome 60, this application won't run in IE due to its limited support of ES6, if you want to run this application in IE, convert ES6 code (/src/Sales/SalesBundle/Resources/public/js/scripts.js) to ES5 here and paste it into scripts.js file. Run php app/console assets:install to reflect changes.