Email Finder

This needs a list of homepage URLs. It will try to find emails inside the homepage, if not found it will try to find 'contact' page and find emails on that page. Otherwise, it will view all the available URLs and load them one by one (its max limit can be set inside vars.txt by setting MAX_SUB_URLS)

Installation & Configuration

It should work on Python 3.8+ You just need to create environment if you want and after that install requirements:

> pip install -r requirements.txt

After that, update vars.txt with your preferences. Details of variables are under:

VAR NAME Description
CHROME_PATH open 'chrome://version/' in your chrome and copy the value of 'Executable Path' and apply that for this var
MAX_SUB_URLS If emails are not found on homepage and contact page, how many URLs on home page should be used to continue search?
HEADLESS any value if want to hide browser, False if want to see browser.
TIMEOUT Page load timeout, if failed it will skip that website.

Run the program

Just update or overwrite input.csv, with your required brand name and url and run the program:

> python