
to run both of the repo just clone the repo and install node modules for both frontend and backend seperately and then run this in the root directory

    npm start

API document

due to time limit i am just documenting without formatting it as my normal template is is the first response in the docs

Postman collection is available in the repo as well

prefix: /

Employe apis

Create Employee
Add Policy

  • Success Result template

        "result": "ok",
        "data": {
  • **Failed Result template **
    status code: 400

        "result:": "error",
        "message": error_string

Employee apis details

Create Employee

User is created , send verification mail.

 POST employee/createEmployee


Name Type Mandatory Description
email String YES User email
name String YES full name of the user
mobile String YES phone number of the user
city String YES city name of the user


  • Success Result
    status code: 200

        "_id": "6288bee2c3d7793950d44940",
        "fullName": "faizan",
        "email": "",
        "mobile": "123132131",
        "password": "123456789",
        "city": "islamabad",
        "__v": 0
  • Failed Result
    status code: 400

        "driver": true,
        "name": "MongoError",
        "index": 0,
        "code": 11000,
        "keyPattern": {
            "email": 1
        "keyValue": {
            "email": ""
        "errmsg": "E11000 duplicate key error collection: EmployeeDB.employees index: email_1 dup key: { email: \"\" }"

Policies apis details

Add Policy

policy is created._

 POST policy/addPolicy


Name Type Mandatory Description
category String YES FK of category
policyNumber String YES numebr of policy
policyDescription String YES description of policy


  • Success Result
    status code: 200

    "category": [
    "_id": "6288bfcbc3d7793950d44941",
    "policyNumber": "highCat3a",
    "policyDescription": "high policy cat3",
    "__v": 0
  • Failed Result
    status code: 400

        errorMessage: errorMessage 