
Node.js App For the CapitalOne MindSummo Challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#CapitalOne MindSummo Challenge

This is a node.js app I made for the #CapitalOne MindSummo Challenge. Here is what it does;

  • Get the 20 most recent posts from Instagram with #CapitalOne
  • For each of those posts, get information about the poster including their following ratio and how many posts they have.
  • Use AlchemyAPI to get the sentiment of each post's caption
  • On the linked page at the top plot sentiment over time using D3.js

##Here are the instructions for running this application First of all, clone the repository

  git clone https://github.com/faizanv/CapitalOneInstagram.git

Now make sure you have Node.js and npm installed then run the following

  cd CapitalOneInstagram
  npm install

Now before you can run the app you have to get your keys for Instagram API and Alchemy API Here are the respective links below

Now to use the keys you have to create a file 'config.js' in the main directory and fill in the appropriate keys as follows

  module.exports = {
    "token" : "Insert Instagram Token Here",
    "alchemyKey" : "Insert AlchemyAPI Key Here"

After all this you should be ready to run the application so run npm start and navigate to http://localhost:3000