
A web application where users can register, login, create and manage posts, comment on other users' posts, follow and unfollow other users, and search for other users. Additional features include : Backend jobs like export, alert and reporting jobs.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Flask Blog-App V2

License: MIT Python Vue.js Flask

A modern, high-performance social media platform built with Flask and Vue.js, featuring real-time updates, asynchronous processing, and intelligent caching.

🚀 Features

Core Functionality

  • Robust Authentication - Secure JWT-based user authentication system

  • Content Management

    • Create, edit, and delete posts with images

    • Rich text support with safe HTML handling

  • Social Networking

    • Follow/unfollow system

    • Personalized feed based on followed users

    • User search functionality

  • Interaction

    • Comment on posts

    • User profiles with engagement metrics

Advanced Features

  • Asynchronous Processing

    • CSV export of user data

    • Monthly engagement reports (HTML/PDF)

    • Daily activity reminders

  • Performance Optimization

    • Redis-based caching with intelligent expiry

    • Batch processing for heavy operations

🛠 Technology Stack

  • Backend: Flask (Python 3.7+)

  • Frontend: Vue.js with CLI

  • Database: SQLite with SQLAlchemy ORM

  • Caching: Redis

  • Task Queue: Celery

  • UI Framework: Bootstrap

  • Template Engine: Jinja2 (for emails)

📋 Prerequisites

  • Python 3.7 or higher

  • Node.js 14.x or higher

  • Redis server

  • MailHog (for local email testing)

🔧 Installation & Setup

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/faizanxmulla/flask-blog-app-v2.git
    cd flask-blog-app-v2
  2. Set up the backend

    cd backend
    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `venv\Scripts\activate`
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Set up the frontend

    cd frontend
    npm install
  4. Start required services

    # Terminal 1
    # Terminal 2

🚦 Running the Application

  1. Start the backend services

    # Terminal 1 - API Server
    cd backend
    python main.py
    # Terminal 2 - Celery Worker
    cd backend
    celery -A main.celery worker -l info
    # Terminal 3 - Celery Beat
    cd backend
    celery -A main.celery beat --max-interval 1 -l info
  2. Start the frontend development server

    cd frontend
    npm run serve

The application will be available at http://localhost:8080

🏗 Architecture

Database Schema

  • User: Stores user data, authentication info, and social metrics

  • Post: Contains post content, metadata, and relationships

  • Comment: Manages user interactions on posts

  • Follow: Handles user-to-user relationships

API Design

RESTful architecture with the following main endpoints:

  • Authentication: /api/register, /api/login, /api/token/refresh

  • Posts: /api/post, /api/post/<post_id>

  • Feed: /api/feed

  • User: /api/user, /api/profile/<username>

  • Social: /api/follow/<username>, /api/unfollow/<username>

🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions! Please follow the steps below:

  1. Fork the repository

  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/newFeature)

  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some newFeature')

  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/newFeature)

  5. Open a Pull Request

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

👏 Acknowledgments

  • Inspired by modern social media platforms

  • Built as part of the Modern Application Development - II course (Course ID: BSCS2006)

⭐ Support my work

Do ⭐ the repository, if it inspired you, gave you ideas for your own project or helped you in any way !!!