
Project Description :

Description: Developed an API that provides the availability of a doctor on a specified date and time. The API will accept two inputs, the date and time, and return whether the doctor is available or not. If the doctor is not available on the specified date and time, the API should return the nearest available date and time.The availability timings of the doctor is provided in a json below. { "availabilityTimings": { "monday": [ { "start": "08:30", "end": "11:45" } ], "tuesday": [ { "start": "09:00", "end": "12:30" }, { "start": "14:00", "end": "17:30" } ], "wednesday": [ { "start": "10:00", "end": "13:15" } ], "thursday": [], "friday": [ { "start": "08:30", "end": "12:00" } ], "saturday": [ { "start": "11:00", "end": "14:30" } ], "sunday": [] } }

. Endpoint: GET /doctor-availability Query Parameters: date: string (required) - The date for which the availability is being queried (in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"). time: string (required) - The time for which availability is being queried (in 24-hour format "hh:mm"). Response: If the doctor is available on the requested date and time, the response will be: { "isAvailable": true } If the doctor is not available on the requested date and time, the response will be: { "isAvailable": false, "nextAvailableSlot": { "date": "YYYY-MM-DD", "time": "hh:mm" } } Where is the next available calendar date, and nextAvailableSlot.time is the start time against the first slot available.

Technologies :

This project uses the following technologies :-

Backend :- Nodejs, Express, Dynamic JSON

Api's :-

with GET request For Backend on your local system =  http://localhost:3000/doctor-availability

Project Cloning and Running

Clone the project

  git clone 

Go to the project directory

  cd Doctor-Availability-Finder

Install dependencies on Main folder

  npm install

Starting the server :

i) To run, open terminal on server folder and write command

  nodemon index.js

Your Project will Successufully Running now , If not running then make sure to adjust nodejs version : try node v14.20.1


  1. Request : { “date”:”2023-04-12”,”time”:”11:00”} Response: { "isAvailable": true }
  2. Request : { "date":"2023-04-12","time":"9:00"} Response: { "isAvailable": false, "nextAvailableSlot": { "date": "2023-04-12", "time": "10:15" } }
  3. Request : { “date”:”2023-04-17”,”time”:”12:00”} Response: { "isAvailable": false, "nextAvailableSlot": { "date": "2023-04-17", "time": "14:15" } }



If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at