
Waiting for you pull request!

Primary LanguageC#



Please stick to the following instructions on how to submit your application:

  1. Read the whole README
  2. Fork our repository
  3. Add your solution to your repository
  4. Create a pull request to our repository

Also note down in the end how many hours it took to complete (roughly). Please do not spend more than 6 hours for the whole task.

Thank you very much!

Main Task

Develop a minified version of the products module api. The API should provide endpoints to make it possible to fetch all the products, a single one, add a new product, edit and delete it. Requirements (object structure, etc.) are described via the mockups images below and should be derived from them.

Database View

Database View

Create/Edit View

Edit View


  • You do not have to build the frontend. Only the api requests like f.e. GET /products/.
  • Top navigation, menu on the left, etc. are not part of this task. This is only about the product module.
  • Filtering by product types should be possible to perform with multiple types selected.
  • Pagination should be added in GET all request to enable loading more products on scroll.

Technical Requirements

  • Project
  • Database
    • Use SQLite or MySQL (Do not use Microsoft SQL or SQL Express)
      • When using MySQL, please add setup instructions
    • Use EF Core ORM framework to work with database
  • Tests project
    • At least one unit test should be written (even the simplest one).
    • Prefer xUnit
  • Controller should contain POST,DELETE,UPDATE and two GET methods
  • Project should be setup to run as a docker container - Dockerfile is required
  • Use Automapper library to map models to view models
  • Attach user object


The following points are optional but give additional credit:

  • Avoid anemic domain model
  • Caching
    • redis (or memcached)
  • Test Coverage
  • Swagger
  • Get all products request should include the user object
  • basic JWT Authentication
    • enalbe only the owner of the product to edit / delete the product
  • Setup CORS to allow working with deployed service from localhost