"Device Bloatware" aka my addition app


As in the past i'm doing some rom build, sometimes i got the rom i build is missing some apps which i need. Or, the rom has prebuilt apps which too basic (You know, like some AOSP apps). So, the first thing I do is make makefile and copying the apps i need to device tree. But as more i add the app, the bigger my device tree repo size, and i got difficult time to sync my device tree like when i got limited data, or my ISP has slow speed. So after that, I got an idea to separate it from my device tree, and just like that, this repo is created.

How to use

1. clone this repo to device/bloatware (Why this path? the path name seems funny for me)

2. add this line to your device tree, either in device.mk or _.mk

	$(call inherit-product-if-exists, device/bloatware/config.mk)

3. uncomment/comment or maybe delete some apps which you didn't need in config.mk, for example

To disable, add # to the product_packages and also the packages
# Via Browser
#   Via
To enable, remove # near the product_packages and also the packages (Don't remove the # on the description, as it would make build failed)
# Via Browser

Okay, just like that and happy build.