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Structural Variant Allele Frequency annotate or SVAFotate is a tool for annotating structural variant VCFs with population level allele frequency information and other related metrics.

Please see the SVAFotate publication for more information and for citing purposes.


Being able to distinguish whether a mutation or variant is common or rare in the general population is crucial in many genomic analyses, including structural variant (SV) analysis. More and more large population SV cohorts, with population level allele frequencies (AFs), are becoming available, but each consist of primarily rare variants that are unique to the individual dataset. SVAFotate provides the means to aggregate and combine AF and related data from multiple population datasets into simple annotations that are then added to a SV VCF. These annotations are then readily available and can be used for different filtering schemes or other analyses. SVAFotate is a command-line tool and provides a variety of annotation options related to AF metrics.

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  1. Installing Miniconda
  • If Miniconda is not installed on your system, install it from miniconda
  1. Set up new conda environment
$ conda create --name svafotate-env python=3
$ conda activate svafotate-env
  1. Install package requirements
$ conda install --file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fakedrtom/SVAFotate/master/requirements.txt
  1. Install SVAFotate
$ pip install git+https://github.com/fakedrtom/SVAFotate.git
  1. Check that SVAFotate installed Correctly
$ svafotate --version

svafotate 0.1.0


There are currently three SVAFotate subcommands: annotate, pickle-source, and custom-annotation.

$ svafotate -h
usage: svafotate [-h] [-v] {annotate,pickle-source,custom-annotation} ...

SVAFotate: Structural Variant Allele Frequency annotator ==================================================

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         Installed version

    annotate            Annotate SV VCF File
    pickle-source       Pickle Source Bed
    custom-annotation   Add custom annotation(s) to source annotation file


This is the main functionality of SVAFotate and adds AF related metrics to your SV VCF based on overlapping matches between SVs in an input VCF and SVs in a provided BED file.

Required Arguments:
                        Path and/or name of the VCF file to annotate.
                        Path and/or name of the output VCF file.

Requires Only One Argument:
                        Path and/or name of the combined sources AF bed file (--pickled-source can be used instead of --bed) (NOTE: --bed takes higher priority than --pickled-source).
  -p Pickled Source Data, --pickled-source Pickled Source Data
                        Path and/or name of the pickled source data to use (--bed can be used instead of --pickled-source) (NOTE: if --bed is provided, --pickled-source is ignored).

As stated, this requires an input VCF (-v) and output VCF name (-o). SVAFotate was developed using SV VCFs derived from the Lumpy SV caller, however it has been tested on VCFs created by other SV callers. As long as SVTYPE and END (preferably SVLEN as well) are included in the INFO fields, any SV VCF that follows expected VCF conventions should be usable with SVAFotate. Please note that a unique SV ID (column 3 or the ID column of the VCF) is also expected.

SVAFotate also requires a BED file corresponding to population SV data (-b) that you wish to compare the SVs in the input VCF against. A BED file with currently available large population SV data is available, called:


This file can be found here while previous versions of similar data can be found in the supporting_data directory. The BED file was compiled using information gathered from the publicly available CCDG, gnomAD, 1000G, and TOPMed SV callsets. AF related data (including HOM_REF, HET, and HOM_ALT genotype counts, where available), were parsed from these into a single BED file. All of these data were prepared from GRCh38 alignments. A different BED file could be used or customized, user-specific data could be added to the provided BED file, but please note that SVAFotate expects specific columns, their header names, and their order placement to be present in the BED file. If a different BED file is used or additional data is added to the provided BED, please ensure that it follows the same ordering and column information as found in SVAFotate_core_SV_popAFs.GRCh38.v4.1.bed.gz. As a minimum, it is necessary that any other BED file used or other data added to this provided BED file include: CHROM, START, END, SVLEN, SVTYPE, SOURCE, SV_ID, and AF. Please note that all other columns do not need to be populated with actual data and where data is unavailable an 'NA' should be added.

CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE: A serialized pickle object of the BED file can be used in place of the BED file (-p). This may result in faster performance when using the SVAFotate annotate subcommand. Included with SVAFotate is the subcommand pickle-source which enables a pickle object of a BED file to be generated and then repeatedly used with the annotate subcommand.

The bare minimum to run the annotate subcommand is:

svafotate annotate -v in.vcf.gz -o out.vcf -b SVAFotate_core_SV_popAFs.GRCh38.bed.gz

The annotate subcommand considers each SV in the VCF input individually and identifies all matching SVs from the BED file. Matching SVs are defined as SVs from the input VCF that share overlapping genomic coordinates with SVs provided in the BED file and that are described as having the same SVTYPE. Under default settings even a single basepair overlap can qualify as a matching SV which may result in many matches being rather imprecise (and also an overabundance of matches). There are options to require more stringent overlap requirements to help avoid this (please see Minimum Overlap Fraction ). Once SVAFotate collects all matching SVs, it assesses individual metrics from each matching SV and creates new population AF related annotations for each SV from the input VCF. By default, SVAFotate will add the following annotations to the INFO field of the input VCF:

Max_AF		 The maximum AF from all matching SVs across all specified data sources found in the provided BED file
Max_Het	      	 The maximum Het count from all matching SVs across all specified data sources found in the provided BED file
Max_HomAlt    	 The maximum HomAlt count from all matching SVs across all specified data sources found in the provided BED file
Max_PopMax_AF	 The maximum PopMax_AF from all matching SVs across all specified data sources found in the provided BED file

For each of these annotations the maximum values from all matching SVs is returned. If there are no matching SVs, each of these annotations will be added with a 0 or 0.0 value. The following figure provides example input SVs compared to SVs of the same SVTYPE derived from the CCDG, gnomAD, and 1000G datasets, which are included with the input BED file. Consider the example SV on the far right which has matches with 4 different SVs of the same SVTYPE from CCDG, gnomAD, and 1000G in the BED file, and these have reported AFs of 0.01, 0.03, 0.63, and 0.09. In this case the Max_AF annotation that is added to the input SV will be 0.63.


Please note that each of these annotations is determined independently of one another. That is to say, just because the SV with an AF of 0.63 is returned for the Max_AF annotation, the HET or HOM_ALT genotype counts corresponding to the SV with the AF of 0.63 are not necessarily going to be returned for the Max_Het and Max_HomAlt annotations unless they are also the maximum values from all matching SVs (in this case they likely would be added given the wide disparity between AFs in all matching SVs). Also by default an annotation reflecting the number of matches per data source in the BED file is also added. For example, if CCDG is one of the data sources in the input BED file, then CCDG_Count is added and lists the number of CCDG matching SVs.

Matching more complex SVs

As previously mentioned, matching SVs are defined as an SV from the input VCF that shares an overlap of genomic coordinates with an SV in the BED file, provided that these SVs share the same SVTYPE. This is fairly straightforward for many SVTYPES, such as, DELs, DUPs, and INVs. This matching scheme can be more complicted for other SVTYPEs. Insertions (INSs), for example, are often reported as a single basepair (or 2bp) genomic coordinate with an accompanying SVLEN that reflects the size of the insertion. INSs are still matched based on overlapping coordinates, which generally means that INSs from the input VCF only match when their coordinates are (nearly) the same as those in the BED file (even if SVLENs differ). Reported SVLENs for INSs are then used if certain options (such as -f or -a best) are requested to better refine the matching INSs. Other even more complex SVTYPES may require more specialized attention. In some of these cases, it may be helpful to include the -a mis parameter which would add annotations regarding overlapping SVs that have different SVTYPEs. For more information please see the Extra Annotations section.

There are many additional options beyond the defaults of SVAFotate that may result in improved or more detailed annotations. Some of these are highly recommended for most uses of SVAFotate. These options are listed here along with explanations:

Minimum Overlap Fraction

                        A space seperated list of minimum reciprocal overlap fractions required between SVs for each source listed with the `-s` option. If `-s` is not used, only the first minf will be
                        used and will be applied to all sources. minf values must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (Default = 0.001).

By default, SVAFotate will consider any overlap of genomic coordinates between SVs from the input VCF and SVs in the supplied BED file, even those of a single base pair, as matching SVs. While this represents all possible overlaps, it could result in imprecise matching of SVs that do not actually reflect similar SV alleles. It is highly recommended to use the -f option to increase the required amount of reciprocal overlap between putative matching SVs. The higher the value of -f, the more exact the overlapping match between SVs must be (and likely the more precise and limited the number of overlapping matches will be). For example, a -f value of 0.9 would require that 90% of the genomic region belonging to an SV from the input VCF must overlap with at least 90% of the genomic region belonging to an SV in the BED file in order to be considered a matching SV (provided they have the same SVTYPE). If this requirement is not met, the SV from the BED file will not be added as a matching SV. Given the inherent variance of SV breakpoints, it is difficult to presume what the best value for -f is, but a minimum of 0.5 should be a decent starting value to consider.

Sources to Annotate

                        Space seperated list of data sources to use for annotation. If '-s' is not used, all sources available in the source bed file will be used (Example: ' -s CCDG gnomAD ' ).

The required BED file for running the annotate subcommand may contain SV data from multiple datasets. The SOURCE column in this BED file refers to the data source for the given SVs. For example, the supplied SVAFotate_core_SV_popAFs.GRCh38.v4.1.bed.gz file contains SVs from the CCDG, gnomAD, 1000G, and TOPMed dataset sources. By default SVAFotate will consider all SVs in the BED file for determining potential matches (and can report metrics specifc to each source). If annotations based on comparisons with select sources only is desired, the -s parameter will reduce the considered SVs from the BED file to only those belonging to the requested sources. A single source could be selected or any combination of included sources from the BED file.

Extra Annotations

                        By default, only the Max_AF, Max_Hets and Max_HomAlt counts, and Max_PopMax_AF are annotated in the output VCF file. `-a` can be used to add additional annotations, with each
                        anntotation seperated by a space (Example ' -a mf best pops ' ). Choices = [all, mf, best, pops, AFR, AMR, EAS, EUR, OTH, SAS, full, mis]

A number of optional annotations are available and can be included using the -a option. This option requires one or more of the following choices which each add more annotations as described here:


Adds all of the annotations described by each of the other choices available with -a.


Adds male and female annotations including:

Max_Male_AF	    The maximum Male AF from all matching SVs across all specified data sources
Max_Male_Het	    The maximum Male Het count from all matching SVs across all specified data sources
Max_Male_HomAlt	    The maximum Male HomAlt count from all matching SVs across all specified data sources
Max_Female_AF	    The maximum Female AF from all matching SVs across all specified data sources
Max_Female_Het	    The maximum Female Het count from all matching SVs across all specified data sources
Max_Female_HomAlt   The maximum Female HomAlt count from all matching SVs across all specified data sources

If used alongside best, pops or any of the individual population choices, those annotations will also include male and female specific annotations regarding AF and genotype counts.


Adds the "best" match for each data source included in the BED file (or as specified) and creates the following annotations:

Best_[data_source]_ID		The SV_ID of the best matching SV for that data source
Best_[data_source]_OFP		The OFP of the best matching SV for that data source
Best_[data_source]_AF	    	The AF from the best SV_ID for that data source
Best_[data_source]_Het    	The Het count from the best SV_ID for that data source
Best_[data_source]_HomAlt 	The HomAlt count from the best SV_ID for that data source
Best_[data_source]_PopMax_AF	The PopMax_AF from the best SV_ID for that data source

The "best" match here is defined by the matching SVs with the highest overlap fraction product (OFP) and considers all overlaps even those that may be filtered out using -f option. Calculating the OFP is straightforward and relies on the genomic size of overlapping SVs and the amount of overlap that is shared between them.


From this example, an overlap fraction is calculated for each SV by dividing the amount of overlap by the size of each SV, respectively. Then these fractions are multiplied to create the OFP which will range between 0.0 and 1.0. As illustrated below, high OFP scores reflect matching SVs that are more identical in terms of both their genomic sizes and the amount of overlap they share while low OFP scores suggest a disparity in genomic sizes between matching SVs or a low amount of shared overlap between them (or both a discrepancy in sizes and low overlap).


If used alongside mf, pops or any of the individual population choices, "best" annotations will also be included for those annotations.


The suggested BED file SVAFotate_core_SV_popAFs.GRCh38.v4.1.bed.gz contains data from gnomAD, 1000G, and TOPMed which include population specific metrics belonging to the following populations: AFR, AMI, AMR, ASJ, EAS, EUR, FIN, MID, NFE, OTH, and SAS. The pops choice will add the following annotations for all populations:

Max_[population]_AF	    The maximum population AF from all matching SVs across all specified data sources
Max_[population]_Het	    The maximum population Het count from all matching SVs across all specified data sources
Max_[population]_HomAlt	    The maximum population HomAlt count from all matching SVs across all specified data sources

If preferred, individual population designations can be selected instead to add annotations pertaining to that population only. If used alongside mf or best, male and female or "best" annotations will also be added for the designated populations.


Adds all information available for all matches. This will add the following data source specific annotations:

[data_source]_Matches	Comma-separated list of each SV match with the data source

Please note that this annotation will include all information available in the BED file for all matching SVs. This is the "kitchen sink" annotation for matches and will potentially add very lengthy annotations to the INFO field. For example, if an SV from the input VCF is found to have 4 matches with SVs from the gnomAD dataset, all information from the BED file for all 4 of those matches will be listed.


While matching SVs are defined as having the same SVTYPE it is possible to see if any SVs with a different SVTYPE also overlap with an SV from the input VCF (a mismatched SV) with the mis option. This will add the following annotations:

[data_source]_Mismatches		Comma-separated list of the SV_IDs of overlapping SVs from the data source with different SVTYPEs
[data_source]_Mismatches_Count		The number of overlapping SVs from the data source with different SVTYPEs
[data_source]_Mismatch_SVTYPEs		Comma-separated list of the other overlapping SVTYPEs from the data source

The same requirements for traditional matching SVs will be applied here. For example, if the -f option is used, mismatched SVs will be required to meet those same thresholds. Additionally, the following annotations will also be added reflecting the "best" mismatch based on OFP scores:

Best_[data_source]_Mismatch_ID		The SV_ID of the best overlapping SV with different SVTYPE from the data source
Best_[data_source]_Mismatch_OFP		The OFP of the best overlapping SV with different SVTYPE from the data source
Best_[data_source]_Mismatch_SVTYPE	The SVTYPE of the best mismatch SV_ID from the data source
Best_[data_source]_Mismatch_AF		The AF of the best mismatch SV_ID from the data source 
Best_[data_source]_Mismatch_Het		The Het count of the best mismatch SV_ID from the data source 
Best_[data_source]_Mismatch_HomAlt	The HomAlt count of the best mismatch SV_ID from the data source 

When using the -a option, any combination of the above (mf, best, pops, full, and mis) choices can be selected, but if all is included than all of these annotations will be added to the VCF.

Observed SV Coverage

                        Add an annotation reflecting how much of the queried SV genomic space has been previously observed with the same SVTYPE. Uses the data sources listed with -s as the previously
                        observed SVs. Please provide minimum AF to exclude all SVs from data sources with a total AF below that value (must be between 0 and 1.0).

To see how much of a given SV in the input VCF has been observed with the same SVTYPE from SVs in the BED file, the -c option is provided. This will add the SV_Cov annotation which reflects the fraction of the genomic coordinates for an SV in the input VCF that are found to overlap with SVs of the same SVTYPE in the BED file. The following figure provides example scenarios with all SVs being the same SVTYPE and the resulting SV_Cov annotations that would be added to the given SVs.


All overlaps from all given sources in the BED file are considered when calculating SV_Cov, provided that the SVs share the same SVTYPE, but source specific SV_Cov annotations are also added. For example, if CCDG is one of the sources in the input BED file (and has not been excluded using the -s parameter), CCDG_SV_Cov will be added and reflects the SV_Cov calculation using only SVs from the input BED file that come from CCDG. All SV_Cov annotations measure all overlaps and not just those restricted by the -f option. This parameter does expect a minimum AF value to be included which restricts SVs from the BED file to only those meeting that value. In this manner, SVs from the BED file, perhaps very rare ones, can be exlcuded from the calculation of SV_Cov.

Unique SV Regions

                        Generate a file of unique SV regions called 'unique.bed'. These regions reflect genomic space within the queried SV region that have not been previously observed with the same
                        SVTYPE. This will also add an annotation regarding the number of unique regions within a given SV. Please provide minimum AF to exclude all SVs from data sources with a total AF
                        below that value (must be between 0 and 1.0).

The opposite of the -c option is availble with the -u option. This will identify "unique" regions within a given SV from the input VCF that are defined as sharing no overlap with any of the SVs of the same SVTYPE in the BED file. This option will create an additional output file named unique.bed which will list the coordinates of these unique regions, their corresponding SVTYPE, the SV_ID of the SV from which they are found, as well the sample names that are genotyped as heterozygous (0/1) and homozygous (1/1) for the alternate allele. The following figure illustrates how these regions are determined in a variety of matching SV scenarios.


Additionally, the -u option will also add the SV_Uniq annotation to the VCF which represents the number of unique regions found within a given SV from the input VCF. Similar to the -c option, unique regions do not consider restrictions from the -f option and this parameter also expects a minimum AF value to be provided that can restict the inclusion of SVs from the BED file.

SV Size Limit

                        Only include previously observed SVs from data sources with a size less than or equal to this value (only available when using --cov or --uniq).

If any SVs in the BED file are exceedingly large, they may have big effects on the determination of observed SV coverage and unique SV regions. For example, CCDG reports an exceptionally rare deletion that is over 61Mb in size. This event is likely to overlap with many putative deletions that likely represent distinct SV events. Considering this may obscure meaningful coverage and unique region annotations and interpretations, the SV size limit -l is available. Without including a size limit with the -l option all of these example events overlapping with the very large and rare deletion from CCDG would show observed SV coverage of 1.0 and no unique SV regions regardless of other more precise and potentially more meaningful comparisons. By including an SV size limit alongside the -c or -u options, such scenarios can be avoided.

Targets BED File

                        Path to target regions BED file. Expected format is a tab delimited file listing CHROM START END ID where ID is a genomic region identifier that will be listed as an annotation
                        if an overlap exists between a given SV and the target regions.

There may be particular genomic regions where an overlap with any reported SV event would be of interest. Using the -t option and supplying a simple BED file consisting of CHROM, START, END, and a region identifier will create a Target_Overlaps annotation that lists the supplied region identifier for all overlaps between the SV and the regions in this targets BED file. Regions of interest may include genes, specific exons, promoters, enhancers, etc. If the -t option is used when the -u option has also been invoked, then the resulting unique.bed file from the -u option will also include a column corresponding to any overlaps found between the unique regions and the regions provided by the -t option. This column will be populated with the region identifier found in the BED file used with the -t option.

Use CI Boundaries

                        Expects CIPOS and CIEND to be included in the INFO field of the input VCF (--vcf). If argument is selected, use 'inner' or 'outer' confidence intervals (CIPOS, CIEND) for SV
                        boundaries. Choices = [in, out]
                        Expects CIPOS95 and CIEND95 to be included in the INFO field of the input VCF (--vcf). If argument is selected, use 'inner' or 'outer' confidence intervals (CIPOS95, CIEND95) for
                        SV boundaries. Choices = [in, out]

Lumpy and other SV callers may generate confidence interval metrics for predicted SV breakpoints. To use these confidence intervals instead of the given START and END coordinates, the -ci or -ci95 options may be used. There are two choices for each of these parameters: in and out. The in choice will use the CIPOS and CIEND (or CIPOS95 and CIEND95) that will result in a smaller SV while the out choice will use the intervals resulting in a larger SV. If CIPOS and CIEND or CIPOS95 and CIEND95 are not present in the INFO field for a given SV in the input VCF these options will not work. Please be sure to consider the adjustments to SV genomic coordinates when using the -f option for requiring reciprocal overlaps.

Change SV Size

                        Increase the size of the SV coordinates in the input VCF (--vcf) by a single integer; Subtract that value from the start and add it to the end of each set of coordinates.
                        Reduce the size of the SV coordinates in the input VCF (--vcf) by a single integer; Add that value to the start and subtract it from the end of each set of coordinates.

It may be helpful in some cases to adjust the reported SV breakpoints for the SVs in the input VCF. The genomic space corresponding to a reported SV may be enlarged using the -e option or reduced using the -r option. Please be sure to consider the adjustments to SV genomic coordinates when using the -f option for requiring reciprocal overlaps.

CPU Count

  --cpu CPU Count       The number of cpus to use for multi-threading (Default = 1).

Currently experiencing technical difficulties; mileage may vary

SVAFotate may use additional cpus for multi-threading purposes which can be designated using the --cpu option.


Please note that pickle-sources are currently unavaible for use with annotate; pickle-source should still work, but its application with annotate may render this less useful for now

Since SVAFotate may be used repeatedly on different SV VCFs with the same BED file, it may be advantageous to create a pickle object of the BED file to improve SVAFotate's performance when running the annotate subcommand. This is optional. If SVAFotate or the BED file used with the annotate subcommand is seldom needed, creating a pickle object of that BED file is probably not necessary. Nevertheless, creating a pickle object out of a BED file is straightforward and can be accomplished with the following command:

svafotate pickle-source --bed SVAFotate_core_SV_popAFs.GRCh38.v4.1.bed.gz --out SVAFotate_core_SV_popAFs.GRCh38.v4.1.pickle


This is not currently used, but is a placeholder for potential future developments.


Thank you to Michael Cormier for code review, improvements, and contributions.