Food Schema Composer

This script takes the output of a recipe scraper, composes it into a schema using the FoodON food ontology and inserts it into a sqlite database that satisfies the schema specified in references/. This can then be serialised into assertions using the io-sqlite module.

So long as the recipe scraper module is structured correctly (see instructions below), this script will run with any arbitrary scraper.


This script needs Python 3.6+ to run. To install requirements and run script, do:

$ pip3 install requirements.txt
$ python3

(or pip and python respectively if python3 is your default installation)


  • -- takes in an array of Recipe objects and outputs, matches ingredients to FoodON equivalents (this could be improved) and generates a database called recipe.sqlite
  • references/ -- holds the reference schema, which was used to generate the database template
  • scrapers/ -- holds the scraping modules and the template class for Recipes (

Existing scraping modules:

  • scrapers/ -- uses the python module recipe-scrapers, which can scrape a range of different recipe sites. A quick test on a random range of urls from smaller sites had about 50% success, much higher for larger sites (+ 100% success for each on their list).
  • scrapers/ -- was the first attempt at a scraper using beautiful soup and regular expressions. Not very effective, but could be improved and might be able to get some sites where py_scraper doesn't work
  • scrapers/ -- gets recipes from the scraped nyt archive -- you need a .zip of this from me for this to work, unzip in top level directory

To use a different scraper module, change line 13 of the file (by default it's set to py_scraper, which right now is set up to scrape okonomiyaki recipes):

import scrapers.{module-you-want} as mod

Adding a scraper module

If you'd like to add a new scraping module, it can do whatever you like, so long as it exports a function called scrape() that returns an array of Recipe objects. (for reference is probably the simplest version of this).

Modules need to have the following as an import statement:

from scrapers.recipe import Recipe

and need to create an array of recipe objects, where title, ingredients, directions, url, author are values that were scraped from the recipe. Note that url and author may be left blank

recipe = Recipe(title, ingredients, directions, url, author)

and, finally, those objects should be returned from scrape(), where they will be used as the input to the data entry script

return recipes