
learn kubernetes with minikube from boot.dev

Minikube + Helm + Kubectl Example

Run Helm + Kubernetes locally using Minikube in a Devbox shell.

The init_hook in this example configures minikube + helm to store their data in a local home/ directory, so your host kubeconfig and helm repos are not affected by this shell.

Usage Instructions

Note: macOS users need to have Docker Desktop installed. This is because the Docker Daemon cannot run natively on macOS

  1. Start minikube by running devbox run minikube. This will install and spin up minikube in a local shell, and then tail the logs
  2. In a different terminal, create a new shell with devbox shell.
  3. You can now deploy to minikube using kubectl or helm.
  4. To shutdown minikube, use CTRL-C to terminate the shell where you started minikube.