
Extended profiling / debugging web interface

Primary LanguageGo

Extended profiling / debugging web interface


The profiler package implements profiling features and a web frontend for easy access during runtime. It is based on the Go-inherent net/http/pprof package, but extends it by some additional features. Unlike net/http/pprof, the profiler package usage is not implicit by mere inclusion for the sake of its side effects, but explicit, i.e. an instance of a Profiler type has to be created, thus allowing better control over its parameters. Further differences w.r.t. net/http/pprof are:

  • The web frontend is always run using a dedicated HTTP server instance to avoid interference with any web server potentially served by the calling package (including accidental exposure of the debugging interface on a public web server)
  • Several functional options are available, allowing to set various parameters in an easy and efficient manner (e.g. a custom HTTP server or even any custom / additional middleware)
  • Direct access to plain text CPU profiles during runtime (i.e. without the need to download a binary profile and the use of e.g. go tool pprof ...)
  • Slightly improved web interface

Installation and usage

The import path for the package is github.com/fako1024/profiler.

To install it, run:

go get github.com/fako1024/profiler

The most trivial use case is to import the package and start up the profiler with default options in the background:

import "github.com/fako1024/profiler"

func main() {

  // Makes profiler available on


More granular control is possible via functional option calls (all available options can be found in options.go):

import "github.com/fako1024/profiler"

// Custom template, only displaying the basic profiles
const customTemplate = `<html>
<title>Go Custom Profiling interface</title>
<b>Go Custom Profiling interface</b><br>
{{range .}}
<tr><td align=left><a href="{{.Name}}?debug=1">{{.Name}}</a><td> ({{.Count}})

// Custom middleware, logging all request URLs to STDOUT
func customMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

		// Print the request URL

		// Serve the next layer(s) of middleware
		next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

func main() {

		profiler.WithAddr(""),                  // Start web interface on port 6061
		profiler.WithKeyPair("/tmp/tls.crt", "/tmp/tls.key"), // Enable HTTPS (certificate / key)
		profiler.WithMiddleware(customMiddleware),            // Enable request logging to STDOUT
		profiler.WithHTMLTemplate(customTemplate),            // Set custom HTML index page template
		profiler.WithErrorHandler(func(err error) {           // Set error handler (panic in case http.ListenAndServe() fails)



The profiler package is governed under a BSD-style license. Please see the LICENSE file for details.