
Image processing and extracting text from the image (fpga lesson project) Here Verilog code receives the image from the input and recognizes the text from the image and separates the text from the image and delivers it to the output.

Primary LanguageVerilog


Image processing and extracting text from gray scale image (for fpga course project at university)

it is implemented and designed for virtex5-XC5VLX110T-FF1136 fpga board .


make .coe file from gray scale image:

In image_to_coe.py just pass image directory in to convert function and run it .

One byte of data is stored for each image .

Implementation :

we implement a single port RAM using the Block Memory Generator ip core .

Images are loaded and read in readMemory.v and connect to logic using intermediate.v module .


logic.v is a Verilog code receives the image from the input and separates the text from image and delivers it to the output in one clock ( combinational ).


logic output is connected to VGA_Controller.v in topModule.v .

VGA_Controller outputs used in .ucf file .
