Getting and Cleaning Data Course Project

In this project we clean up and summarize data from the Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Data Set into a tidy dataset.

The run_analysis.R script executes in the following sequence:

  1. Reads in all the reference data consisting of column names and activity names.
  2. Reads in the test data set, adds test subjects, labels the columns and activity names as appropriate.
  3. Reads in the training data set, adds test subjects, labels the columns and activity names as appropriate.
  4. Merges the test and training data sets into one data frame.
  5. Selects the mean and the standard deviation measures.
  6. Summarizes an average for each selected measure by subject and activity name.
  7. Writes out the final result to summary.txt.

Instructions and notes:

  • Use source('run_analysis.R') to execute the analysis script.
  • To read summary.txt back into the environment use read.table("summary.txt", header = TRUE).
  • For details on the contents of summary.txt review the codebook provided.
  • The resultant data is tidy because each observation is a row and each variable is a column.


Many thanks to David Hood for his clarifications on the assignment's instructions.