
descartia.js - a simple and fast JavaScript library for inertial smooth scroll

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version License: MIT


descartia.js is a simple and fast JavaScript library which enables smooth inertial scroll compatible with flick scrolling of mobile devices.
descartia.js(デカルティア.js)はスマホやタブレットなどの慣性スクロールとほぼ同等のスムーズスクロールをデスクトップブラウザ上で実現する軽量で高速なJavaScriptライブラリです。 Demo → https://falcema.github.io/descartia/


  1. descartia.js calculates scroll animation based on physical attenuation
  2. descartia.js uses requestAnimationFrame() method to render scroll animation.
  3. descartia.js has own requestAnimationFrame() queue inside, and it keeps the appropriate number of render requests.
  4. descartia.js does not break browsers' default scroll functions.
    ( You can use scrollTo(), scrollBy(), browsers' scroll bars, etc. )
  5. descartia.js can detect window width, and change its behavior. So you can use it in a responsive layout.
  6. descartia.js stops working automatically on mobile touchscreen devices to prevent conflict with native scroll.
  7. descartia.js stops working automatically on Mac laptops to prevent conflict with native inertial scroll of the trackpad. (Experimental)

How to use

1. Load File

Load descartia.js

<script src="descartia.js"></script>

2. Write HTML in the proper style



  <div class="d-page">
    <div class="d-table">

      Page Contents.


  <div class="d-dummy-scroll">


3. Apply styles to the elements


  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  overflow: hidden;
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%;
  height: 0;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  z-index: -1;

OR load css

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="descartia.style.css">

descartia.js calculates scrollable length from height of .d-table. All child elements of .d-table should be position: static; (default of position). In the case of using 'fixed' or 'absolute', proper height value must be applied to .d-table before descartia.js execution and after every resize event. (not recommended)


To start (and resume) descartia.js


This method initializes variables related to HTML elements, ids, and classes, and can be used only once. If you want to use it again, for example in the case of pjax / ajax, call Descartia.disable(); or Descartia.pause(); first. Then you will able to call this method again.

To disable smooth scroll and enable default scroll


To pause smooth scroll and other descartia.js events


Optional: To set minimum window width limit descartia.js works. (This method should be declared before Descartia.start();)

Descartia.setMinWidth(600); //descartia.js stops and default scroll will be enabled if width <= 600
Descartia.setMinWidth(); //null will clear min width limit


I'll write this section later.


This software is released under the MIT License.
(C) 2019 Richard Falcema.