
A seats selection view component. Written by Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A seats selection view. Used in movie seats selection or others.


  • UITableView like design.
  • You can custom width and image for every seats



Just copy file in the Views and Models Folder to your project By default there is no model concept, but you can use a seat model like ASSeatModel or your custom model in yourself dataSource. There are tow way to configure the seatsSelectionView

// common configure
func setupSeatsView() -> Void {
    seatsView.hallName = "大银幕"
    seatsView.hallLogoSize = CGSize(width: 200, height: 20)
    seatsView.hallNameColor = UIColor.green
    seatsView.indicatorColor = UIColor.orange
    seatsView.indicatorViewHeight = 64
    seatsView.rowIndexViewTextColor = UIColor.orange
    seatsView.rowIndexViewBackgroundColor = UIColor.gray.withAlphaComponent(0.5)
    seatsView.dataSource = self
    seatsView.delegate = self

// more swift like configuration
func setupSeatsViewWithConfiguration() {
    let configuration: ASSeatsSelectionConfigure = [
        .hallLogoConfiguration(.hallLogoSize(CGSize(width: 200, height: 20))),
        .centerLineConfiguration(.isHiddenLine(.Horizontal, true)),
    seatsView.setupWithConfiguration(configuration: configuration)
    seatsView.dataSource = self
    seatsView.delegate = self

Then you should implement ASSeatsSelectionViewDataSource, ASSeatsSelectionViewDelegate(optional)

@objc protocol ASSeatsSelectionViewDataSource: NSObjectProtocol {

    func numberOfRowsIn(seatsSelectionView: ASSeatsSelectionView) -> Int

    @objc optional func  seatsSelectionView(seatsSelectionView: ASSeatsSelectionView, numberOfColumnsIn row: Int) -> Int

    @objc optional func seatsSelectionView(seatsSelectionView: ASSeatsSelectionView, seatImageIn row:Int, column:Int, completion:(_ image: UIImage?)->Void)

    @objc optional func seatsSelectionView(seatsSelectionView: ASSeatsSelectionView, seatWidthIn row:Int, column: Int) -> CGFloat

    @objc optional func heightForRowIn(seatsSelectionView: ASSeatsSelectionView) -> CGFloat

    @objc optional func seatsSelectionView(seatsSelectionView: ASSeatsSelectionView, indexTitleIn row: Int) -> String


@objc protocol ASSeatsSelectionViewDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
    @objc optional func seatsSelectionView(_ seatsSelectionView: ASSeatsSelectionView, didSelectAt row: Int, column: Int)

For more details you can check out the ViewController file.