
Chat with Streamr

LearnWeb3 Bounty: UX/DX Test Streamr documentation

The challenge


Our aim is to enhance the developer experience with Streamr, and we're inviting developers new to Streamr to participate in a paid coding challenge. The challenge involves building a small React chat decentralized application (dApp) utilizing provided resources. Following the development, there will be a short feedback call to gather insights and suggestions.


Develop a React chat dApp that enables data transmission across devices using the Streamr Network. Specifically, the application should allow users to send chat messages from sender A to recipient B via a data stream. There is no requirement for an elaborate interface; a basic implementation with an input field, submit button, and a text window to display incoming messages will suffice.


Streamr Documentation: here


Setup the stream

Attention: A small amount of MATIC is used to pay for gas on Polygon mainnet.

To setup the stream I created a js file to run inside the folder setup.

In the folder you have to copy the .env.example file in .env and insert your private key and the stream name (without initial /).

After that, you have to install the packages with npm install.

Finally, launch the command node setup.js.

The command returns your stream ID to use inside the frontend.

For the frontend

Copy .env.example to .env file and update the NEXT_PUBLIC_STREAM_ID variable value.

Install packages with npm install and run local dev npm run dev.