
A demo blog create with Laravel Inertia.js

Primary LanguagePHP

Info about the project

A demo blog created with Laravel + Inertia.js (Vue3). I used the TailwindCSS template found on the repository Minimal Blog Template as the default layout. The new features have been added:

  • pagination in the post list
  • a search bar to filter
  • login/logout for the admin
  • form to insert new posts
  • admin can update and delete posts
  • guests can comment on a post

Initial config with Sail

Follow the guide here Start Laravel Project

How to run

Install PHP dependencies and NPM dependencies with:

composer install
npm ci
npm run dev

Copy .env.example in .env with

cp .env.example .env

and update data inside.

After run Sail, run:

sail artisan key:generate
sail artisan migrate

Create the demo admin user with the seeder:

sail artisan db:seed --class=FakeUserSeeder
# Username: admin@admin.it
# Password: password


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.