
NodeJS application that serves ReactJS applications

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#ReactJS server NodeJS application that builds ReactJS templates and routers to serve built applications on initial render and in browser.


Clone this repository and make sure you have node and npm installed on your server. Run npm i from root of project and it will install all dependencies.

Running the server

You can start the application by running npm start.

Once you start it, default application will be accessible at http://localhost:80 if nothing is using the port.


Out of the box, supported environments are staging and production. Additional config files can be added to config/ directory. You can change the port number and number of CPU cores to use per environment in configuration files.

Environments and configurations

NODE_ENV environment variable is parsed to determine the configuration file to be loaded.

Development environment is the default one.

Building applications

All applications are routed based of hostname and are mapped to specific directory. This directory has to live on applications/<HOSTNAME>/ location.

For example, if you want to build a site that would have hostname google.com you have to create applications/google.com directory.

Mandatory files to define google.com application are applications/google.com/router.json and applications/google.com/index.html.

index.html file is the file that is served directly to browser and it has to contain following part within <body> tag:

<div id="app">{{SERVER_RENDER}}</div>
<script src="/build/{{APPLICATION_NAME}}.js"></script>

Then the server will inject what is needed to run the app on server start.

router.json is JSON representation of react router configuration. Infinite nesting is supported in the format of:

  "path": "/",
  "component": "App",
  "childRoutes": [
      "path": "documentation",
      "component": "Documentation",
      "childRoutes": [
          "path": "docPage1",
          "component": "doc/DocPage1"
          "childRoutes": [
  "indexRoute": {
    "component": "Index"

React components in this example (App, Index, Documentation and DocPage1) would be loaded from applications/google.com/components/ directory and their name would be defined by component name. In this example, you'd define react components as:

  • applications/google.com/components/App
  • applications/google.com/components/Index
  • applications/google.com/components/Documentation
  • applications/google.com/components/doc/DocPage1


  1. JSON was chosen as future plans for this server are to just run it and serve applications through 3rd party API.
  2. Not all react router features are supported at this time
  3. With API approach in #1 there will be no need for filesystem definition of applications on server itself


Version 0.1.0

Initial server code.


  • Build all applications to separate JS files to reduce filesize
  • Load components through 3rd party API
  • Load routers through 3rd party API
  • Caching mechanisms (configuration, components and built applications) - to reduce amount of disk I/O
  • Components to be modules that contain full component representation (React + styling)
  • Memory / dependencies optimization if / where possible
  • Expires header control