Loket Backend Test

Backend of simple ticketing system made with Laravel, built for Loket Backend Code Assignment. Built with TDD approach.


  1. Clone this repository with git command on your working directory: git clone https://github.com/faldyif/loket-backend.git
  2. Edit the .env.example file. Change the DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD parameter as your database configuration.
  3. Save the file as .env
  4. Install the dependencies: composer install --no-scripts
  5. Generate a random key with artisan command php artisan key:generate
  6. Migrate the tables to database php artisan migrate
  7. For symlinking the storage folder for file uploads, use: php artisan storage:link

Running the server

$ php artisan serve

Running the tests

$ vendor/bin/phpunit


Create new Location

[POST] /location/create


name // required, between: 5-100 chars
city // required
address // required
latitude // required, latitude
longitude // required, longitude

Create new Event

[POST] /event/create


name // required, between: 5-100 chars
description // required, min: 10 chars
location_id // required, location id that has created before
start_at // required, date time
end_at // required, date time

Create new Event Ticket Type

[POST] /event/create


quota // required, between: 5-100 chars
price // required, min: 10 chars
name // required, min: 10 chars
event_id // required, location id that has created before

List Events

[GET] /event/get_info

Create new Transaction Data

[POST] /transaction/create


customer // required, array, consists of name, email, phone, and address
event_id // required, between: 5-100 chars
location_id // required, event id that has created before
ticket_types // required, array, consists of collection array that has ticket_type_id, and quantity

Built With