
  • is a toolkit of solutions for enterprise JS
  • provides a stable architecture
  • fronted of applications that interact with Cloud services



  • Adding and Retrieving items from DB
  • processing data from or to the db
  • speaks only with the controller


  • this is the only thing the user ever sees
  • usually consists of HTML/CSS
  • speaks only with the controller (never talks back!!)


  • processes GET/POST/PUT/DESTROY requests
  • All server side logic
  • takes info from user
  • processes info and talks to the DB if needed
  • receives info from DB
  • speaks to view to explain presentation to the viewer



  • behaviors, events and requires knowledge about view model
  • minimize logic in views. It describes "what" not "how"
  • The View ignores the Model, and uses the View Model to get the information to render and to manage the user interaction.


  • Expose properties and commands which view binds
  • The View Model knows the Model, and it can use it and expose it
  • abstraction of view
  • javaScript data and logic
  • avoid view-related logic (use custom bindings)


  • simple JS Object with properties to hold your data
  • usually server-side
  • In a more generic vision, the Models are all the objects you think about when you have to describe your product; in a web application you get them from the server, maybe in a database.



The MVVM design pattern used by Knockout.JS makes it possible to separate HTML and JS for a better development and mainstance experience

The observer design pattern enables us to easily pass data to and from HTML and JS data objects

Observer Design Pattern

Remember observables are functions. When you define a variable or property as an observable, Knockout tracks when it changes. an observable or observableArray is a special type of two-way data binding variable used by Knockout

When the value is changed by either the UI or the JS viewModel the other references to the observable are automatically updated as well

class Vm {
constructor() {
    this.word = ko.observable();


const myVM = new Vm();

vm.word("New word")

Data Binding

Knockout is responsible for data binding. Binds view in HTML, to business logic in JS

two way data binding


<span data-bind="text: $"></span>


<tr data-bind = "style: { 'font-weight': myVariable === 'Book' ? 'bold' : normal }">

BindingContext tracks all the following information:

  • $parent: This is the View Model of the parent context; for example, every binding inside a foreach binding will have the foreach view model as $parent
  • $parents: This refers to an array with all the parents context; empty for the root View Model. You can use an indexer to traverse the hierarchy (for deep-nesting); for instance, $parents[1] will get you the 2nd ancestor and so on
  • $root: This is the View Model of the highest parent; itself for the root view model.
  • $rawData: This is the original View Model, before unwrapping (to understand "unwrapping" better, imagine that you have a property, x = ko.observable(12), and you execute x(); you are unwrapping the observable to get the value 12)
  • $data: This refers to the unwrapped View Model.

Oracle Jet Components

Powerful & clean way of organising UI Code into self-contained reusable chunks:

Require.js Plugin

  • Extension of require.js

  • free and open source library included in Oracle JET

  • enables you to load resources

  • lets you separate HTML templates from business logic in JS files


ojet help create

you can get examples of commands

ojet build - builds application

oject serve - start server


oracle JET applications are inherently modular

an oracle module has its business logic in JS and its view in JS


  • Read-write. (it setts listeners everywhere)
  • Two-way data binding


  • Read-only.
  • One-way data binding

it converts array into a table

self.dataprovider = new ArrayDataProvider(deptArray, {keyAttributes: 'name', implicitSort: [{attribute: 'name', direction: 'ascending'}]});

REST Services

getJSON = ko.observableArray();
function(myData) {
    var tempArray = [];
    $.each(myData, function () ){
           tempArray.push( {
           population: this.population
self.datasource = new oj.ArrayTableDataSource(,
    {idAttribute: 'name'}

For Each

<oj-bind-for-each data="[[chemicals]]" as="chemical">
    <span class = "oj-panel oj-panel-alt4">
        <oj-bind-text value="[[]]"></oj-bind-text> 

data in model looks like:

self.chemicals = [

{name: "h2o"},

{name: "co4"}


To manipulate data in table:

in view:

<oj-bind-text value="[[$parent.manipuleData($]]"></oj-bind-text>


self.manipuleData = function (name){ return name+"hahahahaha"; };

Knockout tutorial:

one way view. In data bind we are using text attribute. In html it only reads value and doesnt update it!

// html
<p>First name: <strong data-bind="text: firstName"></strong></p>
<p>Last name: <strong data-bind="text: lastName"></strong></p>

function AppViewModel() {
    this.firstName = "Bert";
    this.lastName = "Bertington";

// Activates knockout.js
ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel());

both way view. It means in data bind we are using value attribute

// html
<p>First name: <input data-bind="value: firstName" /></p>
<p>Last name: <input data-bind="value: lastName" /></p>

we need to add function observable which checks if value changes in the real time!


function AppViewModel() {
    this.firstName = ko.observable("Bert");
    this.lastName = ko.observable("Bertington");

// Activates knockout.js
ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel());

Defining computed values

Very often, you'll want to combine or convert multiple observable values to make others. In this example, you might want to define full name as being first name plus space plus last name.

To handle this, Knockout has a concept of computed properties - these are observable (i.e., they notify on change) and they are computed based on the values of other observables.

// html
<p>First name: <input data-bind="value: firstName" /></p>
<p>Last name: <input data-bind="value: lastName" /></p>
<p>Full name: <strong data-bind="text: fullName"></strong></p>

dodajemy funkcje observable

function AppViewModel() {
    this.firstName = ko.observable("Bert");
    this.lastName = ko.observable("Bertington");
    	this.fullName = ko.computed(function() {
    		return this.firstName() + " " + this.lastName();    
		}, this);

// Activates knockout.js
ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel());

Click behavior

First, add a capitalizeLastName function to the viewmodel to implement this behavior:

// html
<p>Full name: <strong data-bind="text: fullName"></strong></p>
<button data-bind="click: capitalizeLastName">Go caps</button>

then we are defining normal function capitalizeLastName

function AppViewModel() {
    // ... leave firstName, lastName, and fullName unchanged here ...

    this.capitalizeLastName = function() {
        var currentVal = this.lastName();        // Read the current value
        this.lastName(currentVal.toUpperCase()); // Write back a modified value

Showing and Hiding Elements

when the button is pressed by the user, it triggers the observable variable to change, which causes the UI to reveal HTML elements that were previously hidden.

// html
    <title>Data Binding with KnockoutJS</title>
    <button type="button" data-bind="click: updateObservable">Click me</button> 
    <div data-bind="visible: showExtraData" style="display: none"> 
        Now you see me! 

    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> 
    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> 
        function ViewModel() { 
            var self = this; 

            self.showExtraData = ko.observable(false); 

            self.updateObservable = function() { 

        var viewModel = new ViewModel(); 

if you don"t want to use style display you could use something like that:

<button type="button" data-bind="click: updateObservable">Click me without style defining!</button> 
<!-- ko if: showExtraData --> 
    Now you see me! 
<!-- /ko -->  



    <title>Data Binding with KnockoutJS</title>
    <img id="current_book" /> 

    <!-- ko foreach: books --> 
        <li data-bind="text: title, event: { mouseover: $parent.loadImage }"></li> 
    <!-- /ko --> 

    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> 
    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> 
        function ViewModel() { 
            var self = this; 

            self.books = [ 
                    title: 'Rapid Application Development With CakePHP', 
                }, { 
                    title: '20 Recipes for Programming MVC 3: Faster, Smarter Web Development',
                }, { 
                    title: '20 Recipes for Programming PhoneGap: Cross-Platform Mobile Development for Android and iPhone',

            self.loadImage = function(data, event) { 
                $('#current_book').attr('src', data.image); 

        var viewModel = new ViewModel(); 


Very often, you'll want to generate repeating blocks of UI elements, especially when displaying lists where the user can add and remove elements. Knockout lets you do that easily, using observable arrays and the foreach binding .foreach is part of a family of control flow bindings that includes foreach, if, ifnot, and with. These make it possible to construct any kind of iterative, conditional, or nested UI based on your dynamic viewmodel.

// html
<h2>Your seat reservations</h2>

        <th>Passenger name</th><th>Meal</th><th>Surcharge</th><th></th>
    <!-- Todo: Generate table body -->
<tbody data-bind="foreach: seats">
        <td data-bind="text: name"></td>
        <td data-bind="text: meal().mealName"></td>
        <td data-bind="text: meal().price"></td>
// Class to represent a row in the seat reservations grid
function SeatReservation(name, initialMeal) {
    var self = this; = name;
    self.meal = ko.observable(initialMeal);

// Overall viewmodel for this screen, along with initial state
function ReservationsViewModel() {
    var self = this;

    // Non-editable catalog data - would come from the server
    self.availableMeals = [
        { mealName: "Standard (sandwich)", price: 0 },
        { mealName: "Premium (lobster)", price: 34.95 },
        { mealName: "Ultimate (whole zebra)", price: 290 }

    // Editable data
    self.seats = ko.observableArray([
        new SeatReservation("Steve", self.availableMeals[0]),
        new SeatReservation("Bert", self.availableMeals[0])

ko.applyBindings(new ReservationsViewModel());

Making the data editable

You can use bindings within foreach blocks just the same as anywhere else, so it's pretty easy to upgrade what we've got into a full data editor. Update your view:

// html
<h2>Your seat reservations</h2>

        <th>Passenger name</th><th>Meal</th><th>Surcharge</th><th></th>
    <!-- Todo: Generate table body -->
<tbody data-bind="foreach: seats">
        <td><input data-bind="value: name" /></td>
        <td><select data-bind="options: $root.availableMeals, value: meal, optionsText: 'mealName'"></select></td>

        <td data-bind="text: formattedPrice"></td>

<button data-bind="click: addSeat">Reserve another seat</button>
// Class to represent a row in the seat reservations grid
function SeatReservation(name, initialMeal) {
    var self = this; = name;
    self.meal = ko.observable(initialMeal);
    self.formattedPrice = ko.computed(function() {
        var price = self.meal().price;
        return price ? "$" + price.toFixed(2) : "None";        

// Overall viewmodel for this screen, along with initial state
function ReservationsViewModel() {
    var self = this;

    // Non-editable catalog data - would come from the server
    self.availableMeals = [
        { mealName: "Standard (sandwich)", price: 0 },
        { mealName: "Premium (lobster)", price: 34.95 },
        { mealName: "Ultimate (whole zebra)", price: 290 }

    // Editable data
    self.seats = ko.observableArray([
        new SeatReservation("Steve", self.availableMeals[0]),
        new SeatReservation("Bert", self.availableMeals[0])
        // Operations
    self.addSeat = function() {
        self.seats.push(new SeatReservation("", self.availableMeals[0]));

ko.applyBindings(new ReservationsViewModel());

Remove seats

Since you can add items, you should be able to remove them too, right? As you'd expect, this is merely a matter of updating the underlying data.

Update your view so that it displays a "remove" link next to each item.

Note that the $root. prefix causes Knockout to look for a removeSeat handler on your top-level viewmodel instead of on the SeatReservation instance being bound --- that's a more convenient place to put removeSeat in this example. So, add a corresponding removeSeat function to your root viewmodel class, ReservationsViewModel:

// html
<h2>Your seat reservations</h2>

        <th>Passenger name</th><th>Meal</th><th>Surcharge</th><th></th>
    <!-- Todo: Generate table body -->
<tbody data-bind="foreach: seats">
        <td><input data-bind="value: name" /></td>
        <td><select data-bind="options: $root.availableMeals, value: meal, optionsText: 'mealName'"></select></td>
        <td data-bind="text: formattedPrice"></td>
        <td><a href="#" data-bind="click: $root.removeSeat">Remove</a></td>

<button data-bind="click: addSeat">Reserve another seat</button>
// Class to represent a row in the seat reservations grid
function SeatReservation(name, initialMeal) {
    var self = this; = name;
    self.meal = ko.observable(initialMeal);
    self.formattedPrice = ko.computed(function() {
        var price = self.meal().price;
        return price ? "$" + price.toFixed(2) : "None";        

// Overall viewmodel for this screen, along with initial state
function ReservationsViewModel() {
    var self = this;

    // Non-editable catalog data - would come from the server
    self.availableMeals = [
        { mealName: "Standard (sandwich)", price: 0 },
        { mealName: "Premium (lobster)", price: 34.95 },
        { mealName: "Ultimate (whole zebra)", price: 290 }

    // Editable data
    self.seats = ko.observableArray([
        new SeatReservation("Steve", self.availableMeals[0]),
        new SeatReservation("Bert", self.availableMeals[0])
        // Operations
    self.addSeat = function() {
        self.seats.push(new SeatReservation("", self.availableMeals[0]));

ko.applyBindings(new ReservationsViewModel());

Displaying a total value

Add the following ko.computed property inside ReservationsViewModel:

// html

<h3 data-bind="visible: totalSurcharge() > 0">
    Total surcharge: $<span data-bind="text: totalSurcharge().toFixed(2)"></span>

dodajemy funkcje observable

// Class to represent a row in the seat reservations grid
function SeatReservation(name, initialMeal) {
    var self = this; = name;
    self.meal = ko.observable(initialMeal);
    self.formattedPrice = ko.computed(function() {
        var price = self.meal().price;
        return price ? "$" + price.toFixed(2) : "None";        

// Overall viewmodel for this screen, along with initial state
function ReservationsViewModel() {
    var self = this;

    // Non-editable catalog data - would come from the server
    self.availableMeals = [
        { mealName: "Standard (sandwich)", price: 0 },
        { mealName: "Premium (lobster)", price: 34.95 },
        { mealName: "Ultimate (whole zebra)", price: 290 }

    // Editable data
    self.seats = ko.observableArray([
        new SeatReservation("Steve", self.availableMeals[0]),
        new SeatReservation("Bert", self.availableMeals[0])
        // Operations
    self.addSeat = function() {
        self.seats.push(new SeatReservation("", self.availableMeals[0]));
    // This example code!!
    self.totalSurcharge = ko.computed(function() {
   		var total = 0;
   		for (var i = 0; i < self.seats().length; i++)
       		total += self.seats()[i].meal().price;
   		return total;

ko.applyBindings(new ReservationsViewModel());

Hash-based/pushState navigation

For hash-based navigation, the visitor's position in a virtual navigation space is stored in the URL hash, which is the part of the URL after a 'hash' symbol (e.g., /my/app/#category=shoes&page=4). Whenever the URL hash changes, the browser doesn't issue an HTTP request to fetch a new page; instead it merely adds the new URL to its back/forward history list and exposes the updated URL hash to scripts running in the page. The script notices the new URL hash and dynamically updates the UI to display the corresponding item (e.g., page 4 of the "shoes" category).

This makes it possible to support back/forward button navigation in a single page application (e.g., pressing 'back' moves to the previous URL hash), and effectively makes virtual locations bookmarkable and shareable.

pushState is an HTML5 API that offers a different way to change the current URL, and thereby insert new back/forward history entries, without triggering a page load. This differs from hash-based navigation in that you're not limited to updating the hash fragment — you can update the entire URL.

Mamy foldery:

// html
<!-- Folders -->
<ul class="folders" data-bind="foreach: folders">
    <li data-bind="text: $data, 
                   css: { selected: $data == $root.chosenFolderId() },
                   click: $root.goToFolder"></li>


function WebmailViewModel() {
    // Data
    var self = this;
    self.folders = ['Inbox', 'Archive', 'Sent', 'Spam'];
    self.chosenFolderId = ko.observable();

    // Behaviours    
    self.goToFolder = function(folder) { self.chosenFolderId(folder); };    

ko.applyBindings(new WebmailViewModel());


You may be wondering why the first line of my class is var self = this;. By creating a variable called self and assigning it the variable this, it provides me a property in my class that I can use inside methods of my class and easily reference other methods or properties in my class.

Condition-Based Data Binding

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Data Binding with KnockoutJS</title>

    <button type="submit" data-bind="text: (id == 0) ? 'Create' : 'Update'"></button> 

    <script type='text/javascript' src='js/knockout-3.2.0.js'></script> 
        var viewModel = function() { 

            var self = this; 

   = 0; 


How to display an array with for each:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Data Binding with KnockoutJS</title>
    <!-- ko foreach: books --> 
        <li data-bind="text: $data"></li> 
    <!-- /ko --> 

    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> 
        class viewModel { 
			constructor() {
			var self = this; 
            self.books = [ 
                'Rapid Application Development With CakePHP', 
                '20 Recipes for Programming MVC 3: Faster, Smarter Web Development',
                '20 Recipes for Programming PhoneGap: Cross-Platform Mobile Development for Android and iPhone' 

        const vm = new viewModel();

The foreach binding was not bound to an HTML tag; instead, it is placed inside HTML comments.

How to display an array with for each:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Data Binding with KnockoutJS</title>

        <tbody data-bind="foreach: books"> 
                <td data-bind="text: title"></td> 
                <td data-bind="text: isbn"></td> 
                <td data-bind="text: $parent.formatDate(publishedDate)"></td> 

    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> 
	class viewModel {
		constructor() {
			self.books = [{
				title: 'Rapid Application Development With CakePHP',
				isbn: '1460954394',
				publishedDate: '2011-02-17',
			}, {
				title: '20 Recipes for Programming MVC 3:Faster, Smarter Web Development',
				isbn: '1449309860',
				publishedDate: '2011-10-14',
			}, {
				title: '20 Recipes for Programming PhoneGap:Cross-Platform Mobile Development for Android and iPhone',
				isbn: '1449319548',
				publishedDate: '2012-04-06',
			}, ];

		formatDate(dateToFormat) {
			const months = new Array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April',
				'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
				'November', 'December');

			const d = new Date(dateToFormat);
			return months[d.getMonth()] + ' ' + d.getDate() + ', ' +

	const vm = new viewModel();



how to get html object by selector

        background : 'blue'

document Ready

we need to be sure that DOM is read

$(document).ready(function() {

get element

we need to be sure that DOM is read

$('div.czerwony') //pobranie divów o klasie czerwony
$('div p') //wszystkie p zawierające się w div
$('div#cnt > p') //wszystkie p mieszczące się bezpośrednio w div #cnt
$('p:first-of-type') //pobranie wszystkich p, które są pierwszymi elementami danego typu
$('img[width=100]') //pobranie wszystkich img, które mają atrybut width="100"
$(':checkbox ~ label') //wszystkie labele, które następują po checkboxach na danym poziomie drzewa

mockserver -p 8080 -m mocks

Endpoints for Employees:

Create an employee

Get all employees

Get an employee

Update an employee

Get all employee photos

Endpoint for Employees occupation as a link from Get all employees:

                "rel": "child",
                "href": "",
                "name": "assignments",
                "kind": "collection"

Start and EndTime (of assigment or worktime? )

Get all time records

Method: get

Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/

CSS3 introduced a new layout mode (an alternative to floats and positioning) called flexbox, which is an easy and responsive method of arranging elements on a page. To use flexbox, you simply have to specify the CSS attribute display: flex on the container elements, and any elements within the container (also called flex items) will automatically align into separate columns.


system siatkowy dzieli ekran na kolumny do 12 w kazdym rzedzie