
Windows command line utility for Oracle/MySQL/DB2/SSH

Primary LanguagePLSQL

DBCLI : A CLI utility for DBA (Oracle/MySQL/DB2)

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DBCLI is a portable database command line utility, for DBA or application support to easily manage and run their common used scripts, similar to database built-in CLI tools but is more flexible.

It is mainly developed by Lua language, and bridges to JDBC to access database, many of the files are SQL scripts that easy to maintain.
It is designed to support multiple databases, and includes 2 types of modules, one is the public module whose functions are visible across all database platforms, and another one is the platform-specific module.

Currently only public and Oracle/MySQL/DB2 functions are developed, and only support windows platform.

It is not intended to support all features of the existing CLI utilities that embedded by the specific database(Oracle SQL*Plus, DB2 CLP, etc), but to provide the features other than those tools:

  • Pretty-print of the select statement and the flexible control of the grid layouts(see set command)
  • Automatically generate help documents for customized SQL/shell/etc scripts.
  • The alias command to reduce the frequent inputs
  • The powerful snap and ora commands as the replacement of the standard CLI scripts, so that DBA is able to quickly define and execute the SQL templates with the smallest input
  • Support SSH operations
  • Provides the graph charts of the database performance, refer to the "chart" command
  • Easy to extend, modify or deploy, because most of the source code is not required to compile
  • Easily switch to the db built-in cli utility


DBCLI does not require compile or installation, but depends on JRE 1.7+. Click Download ZIP,extract and use. Or you can also download from the published releases
Branch With-JRE contains the shrinked JRE bundle, if you don't have JRE installed, you may switch to that branch to download. Due to the region and charset differences, this JRE bundle is not guaranteed to work well.

###Configure terminal window To avoid the word wrap in the terminal window which affects the print layout, following settings are recommended in Windows command window:

  • In the Layout tab, set buffer width and buffer height as 500+
  • In the Font tab, change the font size as smaller value.

###Configure environment Before running dbcli, make sure that you have installed JRE 1.7+ in your local PC. If you are using the version of "With-JRE" branch, this step can be skipped.

Create file init.cfg under the "data" directory with following content:

SET TNS_ADM=<location of tnsnames.ora>

Of which TNS_ADM is optional unless you need to connect Oracle via tnsnames.ora, or may also refer to init_sample.cfg for more settings. An example is:

SET JRE_HOME=d:\soft\java
SET TNS_ADM=d:\Soft\InstanceClient\network\admin

###Launch DBCLI Console After the above configurations, you are able to start DBCLI by executing dbcli.bat or bin\ConsoleZ\Console.exe.

dbcli.bat also supports arguments in "<command>=<args>" format, all available commands can be found by typing help or help -a.

For example: dbcli.bat "connect=tiger/scott@orcl"

###Switch Database Platform DBCLI supports multiple database platforms(oracle,mysql,db2,etc), default is Oracle.

To permanently change the preferred platform other than Oracle, run set -p platform <platform> after launching the console. For example, set -p platform db2

Without the -p option, the change only takes affect on current console window. Type set platform to see all available options.

Command Overview

Module Category Command Description
Public Commands:
visible in all database platforms
Instruction help Show help information,Use "help <command>" to show the detail information of other commands, or "help help" to see more usage of the help command.
The default database platform is Oracle, to switch to other platform, use the "set [-p] platform" command
ansi Show the usage of console color solution
hotkeys Show the available hotkeys in console
Database connect/conn Connect to database, Usage: "conn user/password@connection-string"
The connection string can be either the name that pre-defined in data\jdbc_url.cfg, or follow the JDBC thin URL format, and for different database platform, the URL format can be different, normally in host:port/database-or-else format. But for Oracle database, it also supports TNS-NAME and EZConnect. Type help connect for more information
login/logon A command set, view or logon to a connection history, when a connection is successfully established, the logon info would be automatially stored in data\password.dat, so that user doesn't have to manually input the a/c for each time
disconnect/disc Disconnect the current connection
Commit Commit DML changes, only available when autocommit mode is on
Rollback Rollback DML changes, only available when autocommit mode is on
Core set A command set, show or change all kinds of preferences of console enviroment or other commands. The changed settings can be either permanent or temporary.
alias A command set, similar to the Unix alias command, mainly used to define the shortcut of other command line, the definition is automatially stored in folder aliases for permanent reused
history/his Check or run historical commands, and the historial commands are only kept in memory and available within the current window
r or / Rerun previous command
sleep Sleep for specific seconds, mainly used in script file
repeat/itv Periodically run other commands
host or ! Run OS command
reload Close all connections and reload the console environment, everything will be reset.
exit Close all connections and close the console
Screen clear/cls Clear screen
spool/spo Sync screen output to file, the command name can be different regarding to different db platforms
column/col Control the layout format of grid(i.e. query) field
grep Similar to the Unix grep command but only supports piping from other command
more Similar to the Unix more command but only supports piping from other command
tee Similar to the Unix tee command but only supports piping from other command, also can export the screen output into csv or html format regarding to the file extension, the command name can be different regarding to different db platforms
prompt/pro/echo Print text, if the text contains variables, then also convert as the the vairable values, the command name can be different regarding to different db platforms
Scripting * A command set, run customized script file which includes a batch of commands that supported in DBCLI, supports the features of variables, options and pre-compiled conditions. The engine maps the input parameters as V1 - V20 variables except the parameter in -<option> format. This is the interface for some other commands to implement or extend, such as snap/shell/ora/sys/chart/sql/etc, different command owns different folder to store the script files, and those file names are regconized as the sub-command names.
snap A command set,used in following scenario: [capture db pre-stats] => [run other commands / sleep for seconds] => [capture db post-stats] => [generate db delta-stats]
Graphing chart/ch A command set, run customized script to generate graph chart from SQL statement
graph/gr Generate graph chart from input parameter which is a SQL text or a CSV file
Variable define/def Define variable with initial value, can be used in either SQL bindings or text substitution in command or script file
variable/var Define variable and its data type without value assignment, can be used as the output binding parameter of the SQL statement, mainly used in customized script file
accept/acc Assign user-input or file to a new variable
save Save a specific variable value into target file
print/pri Print target variable
Unloading sql2file Generate the result of a query or cursor into SQL file, supports auto-compression regarding to the target file extension
sql2csv Generate the result of a query or cursor into CSV file and sqlldr control file, supports auto-compression regarding to the target file extension
csv2sql Convert CSV file into SQL file and sqlldr control file, supports auto-compression regarding to the target file extension
Shell ssh A command set to communicate between client and SSH server
shell A command set, run in remote SSH sever with local shell/python/perl script(to be enhanced), this command is inherited from the scripting modules
Internal event Show event bindings of the console code
luajit Switch into thea LuaJIT console
ilua Enter into Lua console, can access environment objects
search Search the source code
-p Test a command and verify its input parameters
help -a or set -a see where the commands/settings are defined
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Oracle SQL * Supports almost all Oracle database SQL statements
Report awrdump Generate AWR report regarding to the input time range or snap_id
awrdiff Generate AWR diff report regarding to the input time range or snap_id
addmdump Generate ADDM report regarding to the input time range or snap_id
ashdump Generate ASH report regarding to the input time range or snap_id
Extraction loadtrace/dumptrace Download the self/alert/other trace file from db server,requires the create/drop any directory access rights if unable to access the target OS path with existing Oracle directories
sqlprof Generate SQL profile script from sqlarea/awr/spm/profile/plan_table/etc
unwrap Extract PL/SQL code or view from database into local file, if the code is encrypted, then auto-decrypt it
Scripting ora A command set that implement the scripting engine, to run predefined or customized script that used for DBA or db developer, this command has pre-defined many useful scripts
sys A command set that inherited from ora and similar to ora, except can only used by SYSDBA
show A command set that inherited from ora and similar to ora, except that it doesn't accept input parameters
SQL*Plus sqlplus Launch sqlplus console with the same login in native mode or embbed mode, plus other input parameters
@ or sp Run sqlplus script in embbed mode with the same login
Settings set instance Auto-limit the instance regarding to any SQL that references the gv$/x$/dba_hist views
set container Auto-limit the container ID regarding to any SQL that references the views that have the con_id field
set starttime Auto-limit the default begin time of the predefined SQLs that specify the time range predicate
set endtime Auto-limit the default end time of the predefined SQLs that specify the time range predicate
Others describe/desc Describe Oracle object, provides more features than that of sqlplus
xplan Show execution plan for input SQL text/ID, as well as downloading the 10053 trace file if specify the -10053 option
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(to be enhanced)
SQL * Supports almost all DB2 database SQL statements, be noted that all SQL commands should be ended with ;, or / in a new line
Scripting sql Inherited from the scripting engine, to run scripts which contains a batches of all available commands
Admin ADM Run db2 ADMIN_CMD commands
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(to be enhanced)
SQL * Supports almost all MySQL database SQL statements
Console mysql Switch to mysql.exe with same login plus other input parameters
mysqluc Switch to mysqluc.exe with same login plus other input parameters
source or \. or ms Switch to mysql.exe with same login to execute the target script
Scripting sql Inherited from the scripting engine, to run scripts which contains a batches of all available commands
Others show A bit different from the native show, provides more features such as fuzzy search.
? or \? A bit different from the native \?, provides more features
N/A Some commands are similar to the native mysql console
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(to be enhanced)
SQL * Supports almost all PostgreSQL database SQL statements
Console psql Switch to psql.exe with same login plus other input parameters
file or -f Switch to psql.exe with same login and execute the target script
Scripting sql Inherited from the scripting engine, to run scripts which contains a batches of all available command
Others N/A Some commands are similar to the native psql console

Command Types

The command rules are similar to SQL*Plus:

  • DDL commands that related to creating source code(create trigger/package/function/procedure/type) are cross-lines commands and should be end with / in a stand-alone line. create table/index/etc are not of this kind because they are related to structures.
  • Other DML,DDL,DCL commands are also cross-lines commands that end with either ;, or / in a new line.
  • Command SET COMMAND_ENDMARKS is used to customize those 2 symbols.
  • Apart from the above commands, most of other commands are single line commands and will be executed after the Enter key is pressed. Type help -a and refer to the Cross-lines field for the type of each command.


The utility depends on some binary files of open-source projects, the authors own the rights. The binaries have been included into this project. Below is the list:

JLine2      : (BSD)    https://github.com/jline/jline2
JSch        : (BSD)    http://www.jcraft.com/jsch/
ConsoleZ    : (GNU)    https://github.com/cbucher/console
luajit v2.1 : (MIT)    https://github.com/LuaJIT/LuaJIT
jnlua       : (MIT)    https://github.com/hyee/JNLuaJIT(revised from jnlua.googlecode.com)
OpenCSV     : (MIT)    https://github.com/hyee/OpenCSV(revised from opencsv.sourceforge.net)
MessagePack : (MIT)    https://github.com/fperrad/lua-MessagePack (pure lua)
dygraphs    : (MIT)    https://github.com/danvk/dygraphs
JsonForLua  : (MIT)    https://github.com/craigmj/json4lua 
PSCP        : (MIT)    http://www.putty.org/ 
LPeg        : (MIT)    http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg.html
JNA         : (LGPL)   https://github.com/java-native-access/jna
NuProcess   : (Apache) https://github.com/brettwooldridge/NuProcess
Luv(libuv)  : (Apache) https://github.com/luvit/luv
ANSICON     : (ZLIB)   https://github.com/adoxa/ansicon (Optional)

Besides, some SQL scripts come from internet.

About ANSI Color Escapes

Win10 command window has natively supported the xterm ANSI escapes.

For lower Windows versions, ANSICON supports more ANSI escapes features than JLine, especially when running bash commands(i.e.: top) via SSH.

ANSICON defaults to be excluded from the release, if you like to try the feature, download from the ansicon branch and override the local lib directory.

Customize Commands

###Customize new simple commands You are able to use command alias to define the shortcut of the simple command, for instance:
alias sf select * from (select * from $*) where rownum<=50;

In this case, you can execute sf dba_objects where object_id<1000 to simplify the input.

The alias command supports the $1-$9 and $* wildcard characters, of which $n corresponds to the nth parameter, and $* means the concatenation of $n+1-$9 via space. Type alias to see more usage.

###Customize new sub-commands Similar to SQL*Plus script, a sub-command script is the combination of one or more existing commands that supports user-input parameters. Take command ora for example, to define a sub-command xxx, create file ``oracle\ora\xxx.sqland fill with following content: <br/>select * from (select * from &V1) where rownum<=50;`

After that, run ora -r to take effect, then you can run ora xxx dba_objects to query the view.

The utility has created some pre-defined commands, if you want to modify the those commands without concerning of overriding back by the new version, just create a sub-folder under the ora directory, and put the updated file into it, because for the scripts with same name, the one in the sub directory will be treated as higher priority. Or you may also use ora -l <path> to link to another work dir.

Commands ora/show/sys/snap/chart/sql/shell/etc follow the similar rules:

  • Parameters: Accept :V1-:V20 or &V1-&V20 as the input parameters, of which :Vn means binding parameters, and &Vn means variable substitution.
  • Help comment: /*[[...]]*/ is optional, as the help or usage information
  • Options: --[[...]]-- inside the help comment is also optional, normally used to specify the command options(i.e., ora actives -m) and access validation, refer to other sub-commands for more examples.

###Customize new root commands Different from sub-commands, the root command must be a lua script. To plug a user-define lua script into the utility, just add its path in data\plugin.cfg, you may refer to data\plugin_sample.cfg for the example.

Below are the common interfaces that can be used in the script:

  • Define a new command: env.set_command(...)
  • Define a new setting: env.set.init_cfg(...)
  • Add trigger to an event: env.snoop('<event_name>', <parameters>)
  • Get current database: env.getdb()

You may also:

  • Execute help -a or set -a or event to see how those interfaces are used in other scripts
  • Execute help -e env[.module] 2 to see the available interfaces, i.e.: help -e env.oracle 2