Codeigniter And Wordpress integration ------------------------------------- By Fotis Alexandrou - @falexandrou Disclaimer: These are simple examples that were presented in WordCamp Greece 2011. In real life you should work more on the code provided. Also, the ci-plugin trick is kindly provided to the world by The Daylight Studio ( Provided the three ways to integrate Codeigniter and Wordpress. First is the blog-header trick which is pretty simple. We include wp-blog-header.php into codeigniter's index.php After we do that we're able to insert Wordpress Codex Code inside our views. Second is a Model that uses Wordpress Database as a second database which performs some basic queries on the Wordpress database Third is the great code that the daylight studio provides If you're Greek, you can find my presentation on Slideshare: LinkedIn: Twitter:
Some examples on how to integrate Codeigniter with Wordpress