
Just a command line interface to StackOverflow

Primary LanguageC

*stackoverflow-cli* is a command line interface to the stackoverflow API designed to be run in text environments in combination with other GNU tools to extract useful information.

To compile this thing you need libcurl and json-c libraries, downnload the code and run the Makefile.

No configure script yet.

Usage: ./stackoverflow-cli <operation> [options...]

Operations has to be one of the following:

	--search		Searches the questions database.
	--intitle <string>	A string that must appear verbatim in the title.
	--tagged <string>	List of tags delimited by semicolons at least one has to be on the questions.
	--nottagged <string>	List of tags delimited by semicolons that must not be in the question.

	--users			Searches the users database.
	--id <string>		List of user ids delimited by a semicolon.
	--filter <string>	A string that must appear in the users name.

	--questions		Searches the questions database with answers.
	--id <string>		List of question ids delimited by a semicolon.

Generic parameters:

	--pagesize <size>	How many items per page? 100 maximum.
	--page <page>		What page do you want to see?