brsh - baisc reverse shell
- this is my first coded reverse shell using python.
- it uses basic TCP IPv4 connection to communicate from the client to the server
- system commands are supported
- also there are few pre-programmed commands in the file which you can send remotely to the compromised machine.
- as basic as this backdoor is, it is very useful when dealing with basic explotation.
- upload functionality isn't yet implemented in the backdoor, however you can use system commands to plant your file onto the compromised machine.
- also persistence isn't a feature in this backdoor. the way you can bypass this, is by running "reg" commands , and adding your file to the startup applications manually.
- like i said, it's a BASIC reverse shell, and for that I like to think that it is quite rich in terms of features.
- any kind of modification to the file , is allowed. if you have the time and will to implement more features into the backdoor you can commit your request and i'll take a look at it.
- happy hacking! :D