
Create many mocha tests from JSON files within a folder (part of CPSC 310)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Folder Test

Folder test is a package for dynamically generating batches of tests from external JSON files.


  1. Create a directory containing one JSON file for each test you wish to generate. These files must conform to the FolderTestSchema described in the API.
  2. Invoke folderTest from your test suite.
  3. Run your test suite.


$ yarn add --dev @ubccpsc310/folder-test


Code under test

 * Converts a colour in RGB to a number
 * @param rgb An object with r, g, b properties
 * @throws RedError if colour is red
 * @throws YellowError if colour is yellow
function rgbToNum(rgb: { r: number, g: number, b: number }): number {
    const num = (rgb.r << 16) + (rgb.g << 8) + rgb.b;
    if (num === 0xFF000) {
        throw new RedError();
    } else if (num === 0xFFFF00) {
        throw new YellowError();
    } else {
        return num;

Dynamic folder test

import { expect } from 'chai'
import {folderTest} from "@ubccpsc310/folder-test";

type Input = { r: number, g: number, b: number };
type Output = number;
type Error = "RedError" | "YellowError";

describe("Dynamic folder test", function () {
    before(function () {
        // Called before any of the tests are run

    beforeEach(function () {
        // Called before each test is run
    // Assert value equals expected
    function assertResult(actual: unknown, expected: Output): void {

    // Assert actual error is of expected type
    function assertError(actual: unknown, expected: Error): void {
        if (expected === "RedError") {
        } else {

    folderTest<Input, Output, Error>(
        "rgbToNum tests",                               // suiteName
        (input: Input): Output => rgbToNum(input),      // target
        "./test/resources/json-spec",                   // path
            assertOnResult: assertResult,
            assertOnError: assertError,                 // options


Assert result

  "title": "black",
  "input": {
    "r": 0,
    "g": 0,
    "b": 0
  "errorExpected": false,
  "expected": 0

Assert error

  "title": "yellow",
  "input": {
    "r": 225,
    "g": 225,
    "b": 0
  "errorExpected": true,
  "expected": "YellowError"


 * The main function!
 * @param suiteName - Name of the mocha describe that will be created 
 * @param target - A function that invokes the code under test and returns the result
 *          if target returns a promise, it is resolved before the result is passed to `assertOnResult` function
 * @param path - A path where the json schemata are located (includes json schemata in subdirectories)
 * @param options - Described below
function folderTest<I, O, E>(suiteName: string, target: (input: I) => unknown, path: string, options: Options) {
    // ...

interface Options {
    // The function that will be called on the result of the code under test
    // if errorExpected is false and the code under test does not throw
    //  if absent, only asserts that the code under test does not throw
    assertOnResult?: (actual: unknown, expected: O, input: I) => void | PromiseLike<void>;

    // The function that will be called on the result of the code under test
    // if errorExpected is true and the code under test throws
    //  if absent, only asserts that the code under test throws
    assertOnError?: (actual: unknown, expected: E, input: I) => void | PromiseLike<void>;

    // Called on the JSON files to ensure that the inputs are "correct" as specified this function
    //  if absent, the inputs are not validated
    inputValidator?: (input: unknown) => input is I;

    // Called on the JSON files to ensure that the outputs are "correct" as specified this function
    //  if absent, the outputs are not validated
    outputValidator?: (output: unknown) => output is O;

    // Called on the JSON files to ensure that the errors are "correct" as specified this function
    //  if absent, the errors are not validated
    errorValidator?: (error: unknown) => error is E;

    // Whether or not to check the JSON for extraneous keys
    // Useful if you are prone to typos
    //  defaults to true
    checkForExcessKeys?: boolean;

 * The schema of the JSON that folder-test will read in the provided directory.
 * These files must have the `.json` extension.
interface FolderTestSchema<I, O, E> {
    // The name of the test
    title: string;

    // The input provided to the code under test
    input: I;

    // Whether or not the code under test is expected to throw an error
    //  defaults to false
    errorExpected?: boolean;

    // Whether or not error messages should include results
    //  defaults to false
    verbose?: boolean;

    // The value that code under test must equal
    //  if absent, will only test that the code under test does/doesn't throw an error
    expected?: O | E;