
Node library for finding available rooms at ICICS UBC

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node library for finding available rooms at ICICS UBC. It can only list the bookings for today, because accessing the full calender requires authentication and that is a mess to deal with.


$ npm i icics-rooms


const rooms = require('icics-rooms');

let today = rooms.getAllRooms();
for(var room = 0; room < today.length; room++){
	console.log("This room has the name " + today[room].room);
	for(var booking = 0; booking < today[room].bookings.length; booking++){
		const bookingData = today[room].bookings[booking];
		console.log("It has a booking " 
						+ "called " + bookingData.name 
						+ " from  " + bookingData.startTime 
						+ " until " + bookingData.endTime);