
User Stories

Create Todo

  • Focus new todo text field on startup.
  • If there are no todos, only display text field for new todo.
  • Remove spaces before and after text and only create todo if text is not empty.

Show Todos

  • Show all todos.
  • Show only active or completed todos.
  • Display number of active todos.

Edit Todo

  • Edit a todo in the list by double clicking and focus text field.
  • When editing a todo, only show text box for editing.
  • Save the change with Enter or if you lose focus and cancel the change with Escape.
  • Remove spaces before and after text and delete todo if text is empty.

Complete Todo

  • Mark a todo in the list as completed or active.
  • Mark all todos as completed or active.

Delete Todo

  • Delete a todo from the list.
  • Delete all completed todos.
  • If there are no completed todos, action delete completed todos is not available.



  • Add todo (title)
  • Toggle todo (id)
  • Toggle all (checked)
  • Destroy todo (id)
  • Clear completed
  • Save todo (id, title)


  • Select todos (id, title, completed)*


