
A distributed order-book DEX using composable atomic swaps with full delegation control and endogenous liquidity.

Primary LanguageHaskellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A p2p-DeFi protocol for trustlessly swapping fungible tokens on the Cardano Settlement Layer. All users maintain full custody, delegation control, and voting control of their assets at all times. No batchers are required.

Note Knowledge of basic Haskell syntax and cardano-cli usage is recommended. For a list of everything that has changed from the previous version, see the Changelog.

The Getting Started instructions can be found here and the benchmarks can be found here.

Table of Contents


Cardano-Swaps is a p2p-DeFi protocol for swapping fungible tokens on the Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL). It solves many of the pitfalls of current DEX implementations by empowering users to deploy their own (and interact with each others') script addresses. This leads to the formation of an order-book style "distributed" DEX. The protocol supports two kinds of swaps: one-way swaps and two-way swaps. One-way swaps emulate the basic limit order. Meanwhile, two-way swaps provide a mechanism for naturally incentivizing users to provide liquidity to the DEX without having to rely on yield farming. Furthermore, since swaps can be freely composed, arbitragers are naturally incentivized to spread the available liquidity across all trading pairs. This protocol is natively composable with all DApps.


Many DEXs on Cardano are currently implemented in ways that lock users' assets into a tightly fixed, and/or centrally maintained, set of script addresses and UTxOs. This concentrated DApp design pattern is reminiscent of Ethereum's accounts-based programming paradigm.

However, the concentrated DApp design does not map well to eUTxO based blockchains. To be exact, a major consequence of pooling assets into a predefined set of UTxOs, which are typically referred to as liquidity pools (LPs), is that the DEX has a significant concurrency bottleneck since all users must share the one-time-use UTxOs. The ultimate result of this bottleneck is that users are not allowed to directly interact with the DEX. Instead, users are required to go through (usually permissioned) middle-men called batchers.

As an alternative to LP based DEXs, order-book style DEXs give every user their own UTxO with their own terms. This approach lends itself much better to eUTxO based blockchains. However, this design currently suffers from similar availability challenges due to the difficulting of finding and matching open orders. In order to workaround this limitation, order-book style DEXs also tend to resort to the concentrated DApp design since it is easier to find orders if they are located at a single address (or a few addresses) than if they were scattered across many addresses. Furthermore, and more importantly, current order-book style DEXs suffer from a lack of liquidity due to not having a way to incentive users to provide liquidity to the DEX. This lack of early liquidity is why most DEXs currently use the LP based DEX architecture.

This result is unfortunate since LP based DEXs are entirely unsuitable to be used as the foundation of a trustless and decentralized economy, especially those built on Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchains:

Why the LP based architecture is not the right architecture for DEXs (in no particular order)
  • No matter how performant a system of batchers is, their resources do not scale in proportion to the number of users unless new batchers can permissionlessly join when demand is high.
  • Since an economy's health is proportional to how easily and accurately price discovery can occur, DEXs that do not allow users to freely express their own desired prices can only result in an unhealthy blockchain economy. Furthermore, impermanent loss (a consequence of not being able to express desired prices) makes it impossible for users to properly manage risk.
  • Batcher based protocols lack trustless composability with other DApps; a critical feature for both scaling eUTxO-based DeFi and building a fully featured, trustless blockchain economy.
  • The concentration of assets into a single address or few addresses directly undermines the security assumptions of PoS blockchains.
  • The concentration of assets forces users to give up voting rights over their assets. In essence, users are forced to pick between participating in DeFi and participating in decentralized governance. Furthermore, whichever entity controls the voting power of the concentrated assets has tremendous influence over the decentralized government.

The last two bullets especially mean it is impossible for LPs to serve as the foundation of a trustless and decentralized economy.

Why the workarounds for the issues of the LP based architecture are not sufficient
  • Impermanent loss compensation through yield farming - yield farming is ultimately printing a useless token to make Alice whole for being forced to sell at a price she otherwise would not have sold. To put it bluntly, Alice lost $100 of a stablecoin and was given some economically useless token as compensation. And while the yield tokens are being minted, the value of the already useless token can only decrease over time. Without the yield tokens, there is literally no incentive to provide liquidity to LPs so if yield farming ever stopped, the DEX would collapse. Yield farming is a currency crisis waiting to happen. Professional institutions cannot comply with regulations and manage risk in this context. In short, mass adoption of LP based DEXs by professional institutions is impossible.
  • No way for users to fully express their own desired prices - LPs base the exchange rates on supply and demand of the assets in the LP. But this is wholly insufficient to properly reflect the true market sentiment. To quote investopedia, "The process of price discovery looks at a number of tangible and intangible factors, including supply and demand, investor risk attitudes, and the overall economic and geopolitical environment. Simply put, it is where a buyer and a seller agree on a price and a transaction occurs." There is fundamentally no way for algorithms that are based solely on supply and demand to properly reflect the true market sentiment. And when market sentiment cannot be accurately reflected, misallocation of resources is inevitable (ie, an unhealthy economy). Fractionalizing LPs does not solve this issue because they can never be fractionalized enough to match the expressiveness of each user specifying their own prices - these wouldn't be LPs anymore. This level of expressiveness is only possible with order-book DEXs.
  • Batchers can always take advantage of their privileged position as middle-men - miner extractable value (MEV) will always be an issue as long as the use of middle-men is required. Permissioned batchers exacerbate this issue since only the "chosen few" can even have this unique opportunity to rip off users.
  • Batcher based protocols cannot trustlessly compose - since LPs require going through middle-men, the ultimate transaction for Alice will likely not even be seen by Alice prior to submission to the blockchain. How can Alice express that she wants her swap composed with an options contract and expect it to be trustlessly executed? How can Bob also do this? Finally, how can the smart contracts enforce that both Alice's and Bob's compositions are properly executed when their requests are batched together? This is not an issue of standards; this is an issue of whether or not the required composition logic can even fit in a transaction where other DApp logic is being executed. The only way for the composition to be trustless is if smart contracts enforce it. To put it concretely, in Alice's composition, the swap logic and the options logic must both be executed in the same transaction where the composition logic is executed. Given the very small amount of execution units available to scripts in a transaction, is there even room for this extra logic? The composition logic requires two things: it must support arbitrary compositions and it must be extremely cheap since the logic of the actual DApps being composed must also be executed in the same transaction. p2p protocols do not have the same limitations since Alice personally creates and signs her own transaction. The above two requirements are only requirements when middle-men are creating and executing transactions on the behalf of users. Even if some composition logic could fit in the transaction, would it actually support arbitrary composition (as opposed to only a few priviledged DApps being supported)? Even if the answer to this question is yes, that extra logic being executed means less space for other DApps to compose in the transaction. Therefore, protocols that require batchers will never be able to offer the the same level of trustless composition as fully p2p protocols. The only way to actually match the level of composition of p2p protocols is for the batcher based composition to not be trustless (without the composition logic, more DApps can fit in a transaction).
  • No delegation control or voting control while using the DEX - DEXs try to issue governance tokens to get around this but fair distribution of the governance tokens is rarely accomplished (it is a very hard problem). Even if the governance tokens were distributed fairly, they are largely just for show since the DEX creators can still choose to go against the vote. There is no trustless connection between the governance tokens and what actually happens with the stake/DApp. Finally, even if there was a trustless connection, there is no way to actually have all users express their own stake preferences when the stake is decided democratically. It is almost inevitable that the voting outcome will go against the wishes of some users. This is in direct violation of the security assumptions of PoS. No matter how you look at it, LP based DApps are an existenstial problem for PoS blockchains. As LP based DApps become more adopted, the underlying PoS blockchain will only become more centralized. LPs can never be used as the foundation for a trustless and decentralized PoS blockchain economy.

DEXs that hope to become the foundation for a healthy and fully trustless, decentralized economy must adhere to a radically different approach that takes full advantage of the composability and availability guarantees offered by the eUTxO model while not undermining the security of the very blockchain the economy is built on.

The Cardano-Swaps Protocol

Cardano-Swaps is an order-book based DEX that takes inspiration from Axo's programmable swaps design, adds delegation control as a foundational feature, naturally incentivizes its own liquidity, and, through the use of Beacon Tokens, removes the need for specialized indexers. In short, it solves all of the pressing issues that made order-book DEXs inferior to LP based DEXs.

High-Level Overview

The protocol is comprised of two types of composable swaps: a one-way swap and a two-way swap. One-way swaps are effectively just limit orders (ie, they can only be executed at the specified price or better). Most users will likely use the one-way swap.

Two-way swaps are a mechanism for profitably providing liquidity to the protocol without having to resort to yield farming. These two-way swaps can go in either direction (eg, a two-way ADA <-> ERGO swap can go ADA -> ERGO or ERGO -> ADA). By allowing the liquidity provider to specify separate prices for each direction, they can profit from either direction of the swap. For example, if the market rate for DJED <-> USDC is 1:1, Alice can set DJED -> USDC to 1.01 USDC per DJED and USDC -> DJED to 1.01 DJED per USDC. This means Alice makes a 1% return no matter what direction is used. This has major implications that will be discussed in the Features Discussion section.

Since the swaps are freely composable, arbitrarily complex swaps can be created. For example, Alice can chain ADA -> ERGO with ERGO -> DUST to create a transaction that converts ADA -> DUST. Not only does this composition allow for one-to-many conversions in a single transaction (eq, ADA to ERGO and DJED), but it also opens up the possibility for arbitragers to find profitable arbitrage opportunities. This potential for profit naturally incentivizes liquidity to be spread across all trading pairs instead of it being siloed into one trading pair as in TradFi and LP based DEXs.

Finally, through the use of beacon tokens, the protocol is fully p2p. No batchers are required although they can be used if desired. And thanks to beacon tokens, users can get their own addresses which guarantees users maintain full custody, delegation, and voting control of their assets at all times.

The only remaining challenge is the querying capacity of existing off-chain APIs, such as Blockfrost or Koios. (This is not a limitation for users with powerful enough hardware, as they can run their own API database).


(If you are only interested in the high-level aspects of the protocol, feel free to skip to the next section.)

Each type of swap is comprised of a spending script / beacon script pair. This means that each type of swap gets its own universal address. For example, all of Alice's one-way swaps, regardless of the trading pair, will be located at address X and all all of Alice's two-way swaps, regardless of the trading pair, will be located at address Y. Address X != address Y. Furthermore, since each type of swap has its own beacon script, each type is easily distinguishable off-chain while still being easily queryable by end users.

This modular approach of having a separate script pair for each swap makes it easy to add new kinds of swaps in the future.

❗ While the spec shows one-way swap datums and redeemers having the same names as the two-way swap datums and redeemers they are distinct data types. Imagine they are in separate name spaces.

One-Sway Swaps

One-way swaps use one universal spending script for all swap pairs, and one universal beacon script for all one-way beacons. The beacon script can be executed as either a minting policy or a staking script depending on whether beacons must be minted/burned. This flexibility of how the beacon script can be executed allows the spending script to delegate certain checks to the beacon script to minimize redundant executions.


There are three beacons for one-way swaps: the trading pair beacon, the offer beacon, and the ask beacon.

The offer beacon asset name is sha2_256( "01" ++ offer_policy_id ++ offer_asset_name ).

The ask beacon asset name is sha2_256( "02" ++ ask_policy_id ++ ask_asset_name ).

The trading pair beacon asset name is sha2_256( offer_id ++ offer_name ++ ask_id ++ ask_name ). However, in the case where one of the assets is ada (which is just the empty bytestring), the ada policy id is set to "00" instead. For example, an ADA -> DJED swap pair beacon would be: sha2_256(djed_id ++ djed_name ++ "00" ++ ""). Without this change, each direction would not get its own beacon (ie, DJED -> ADA would have the same trading pair beacon as ADA -> DJED).

The hashes are used because token names are capped at 64 characters. Simply concatenating the name information would not fit within this requirement. However, hashing the result of the concatenation guarantees all names are unique while still fitting within 64 characters.

These beacons allow for expressive queries since they allow querying by offer, by ask, or by trading pair. This extra expressiveness improves the arbitrager's ability to find profitable paths through currently open swaps.

Swap Address

All users get a single swap address where all of their one-way swaps will be located. This universal address can enforce all possible swaps for the user. And since users only need to worry about a single address, it keeps the UI simple.

Beacon Script Redeemers

Two beacon script redeemers are introduced here; their usage is explained further below.

data BeaconRedeemer
  = CreateOrCloseSwaps -- ^ Executes the beacon script as a minting policy.
  | UpdateSwaps -- ^ Executes the beacon script as a staking script.
Spending Script Redeemers

Three spending script redeemers are introduced here; their usage is explained further below.

data SwapRedeemer
  = SpendWithMint -- ^ Delegates checks to the beacon script's minting policy execution.
  | SpendWithStake -- ^ Delegates checks to the beacon script's staking script execution.
  | Swap

Only the owner (signified by the address' staking credential) can use the SpendWithMint and SpendWithStake redeemers. Anyone can use the Swap redeemer as long as the swap conditions are met.


Inline datums are used for all UTxOs. All UTxOs get the same type of datum:

data SwapDatum = SwapDatum
  { beaconId :: CurrencySymbol -- ^ Beacon script hash for one-way swaps.
  , pairBeacon :: TokenName -- ^ Trading pair beacon asset name for this swap.
  , offerId :: CurrencySymbol -- ^ Offer policy id for this swap.
  , offerName :: TokenName -- ^ Offer asset name for this swap.
  , offerBeacon :: TokenName -- ^ Offer beacon asset name for this swap.
  , askId :: CurrencySymbol -- ^ Ask policy id for this swap.
  , askName :: TokenName -- ^ Ask asset name for this swap.
  , askBeacon :: TokenName -- ^ Ask beacon name for this swap.
  , swapPrice :: Rational -- ^ The desired swap ratio: Ask/Offer.
  , prevInput :: Maybe TxOutRef -- ^ The output reference for the corresponding swap input.

The beacon information in the datum prevents misuse of beacons. The spending script forces all beacons to be burned instead of being withdrawn. This ensures that beacons can only ever be located at swap addresses. If the wrong beacon information is supplied to the datum, the resulting Swap UTxO can be locked forever. (See the FAQ for more information on this.)

The Rational type is a fraction (decimal types do not work on-chain). All prices in Cardano-Swaps are relative (similar to limit orders in an order-book exchange). Swaps are always priced in askedAsset/offeredAsset. For example, if ADA is being offered for DUST at a price of 1.5 (converted to 3/2), the contract requires that 3 DUST are deposited for every 2 ADA removed from the swap address. Ratios of DUST:ADA >= 3/2 will pass, while ratios < 3/2 will fail.

When engaging in swaps, it is only necessary that the desired swap ratio is met; not all assets in the Swap UTxO must be swapped. For example, if there is 100 ADA in a swap requesting 2:1 for DUST, a user may swap 20 ADA, as long as they return 80 ADA and 10 DUST in the same Tx. Since every user explicitly defines their desired swap ratios, oracles are not required. The "global" price naturally emerges where the local bids and asks meet - just like an order-book.

All prices for ADA must be in units of lovelace.

Creating a One-Way Swap

Swap "writers" must first create a swap by using the CreateOrCloseSwaps beacon script redeemer. In order to mint beacons with this redeemer, all of the following must be true:

  1. The beacon script must be executed as a minting policy.
  2. The beacons must go to an address protected by the one-way swap spending script.
  3. The beacons must go to an address using a valid staking credential.
  4. The UTxOs with the beacons must have the proper value:
    • Exactly three kinds of beacons: pair beacon, offer beacon, and ask beacon.
    • The beacons must correspond to the beacons in the datum.
    • There must be exactly 1 of each beacon.
    • No extraneous assets are in the UTxO. Ada is always allowed.
  5. The beacons must be stored with the proper inline SwapDatum:
    • beaconId == this beacon script's hash.
    • pairBeacon == pair beacon asset name for this swap.
    • offerId == policy id of the offer asset.
    • offerName == asset name of the offer asset.
    • offerBeacon == offer beacon asset name for this swap's offer asset.
    • askId == policy id of the ask asset.
    • askName == asset name of the ask asset.
    • askBeacon == ask beacon asset name for this swap's ask asset.
    • swapPrice denominator > 0
    • swapPrice > 0
  6. The offer asset and ask assets must be different assets.

Once the beacons are minted to the swap address, the spending script does not allow closing the swap unless the beacons are being burned. This prevents beacons from being sent to unrelated addresses and guarantees the integrity of the off-chain queries.

All swaps must be stored with the proper beacons. Due to this requirement, the absolute minimum possible value for a swap UTxO to have is about 2 ADA. This minimum value can be reclaimed upon closing the swap so it should be thought of as a deposit. All open swaps require a deposit of at least 2 ADA.

It is possible to open swaps for multiple different trading pairs in a single transaction. The beacon script is capable of still ensuring that all beacons are stored properly (with the proper value and datum). For example, since each beacon's datum is specific to those beacons, mixing up beacons and datums will cause the minting transaction to fail.

Closing or Updating a One-Way Swap

Open Swap UTxOs can be closed or updated by the address owner (signified by the address' staking credential). After checking that the owner approves the transaction, the spending script will delegate the rest of the checks to the beacon script. The spending script's redeemer is used to tell the script where to find proof of the beacon script's execution. If the beacon script's execution is not found, the transaction is guaranteed to fail.

The requirements for successfully spending a swap UTxO as the owner are:

  1. If the SpendWithMint spending script redeemer is used, the beacon script must be executed as a minting policy using the CreateOrCloseSwaps beacon script redeemer. If the SpendWithStake redeemer is used, the beacon script must be executed as a staking script using the UpdateSwaps beacon script redeemer.
  2. The beacons must go to an address protected by the one-way swap spending script.
  3. The beacons must go to an address using a valid staking credential.
  4. The UTxOs with the beacons must have the proper value:
    • Exactly three kinds of beacons: pair beacon, offer beacon, and ask beacon.
    • The beacons must correspond to the beacons in the datum.
    • There must be exactly 1 of each beacon.
    • No extraneous assets are in the UTxO. Ada is always allowed.
  5. The beacons must be stored with the proper inline SwapDatum:
    • beaconId == this beacon script's hash id.
    • pairBeacon == pair beacon asset name for this swap.
    • offerId == policy id of the offer asset.
    • offerName == asset name of the offer asset.
    • offerBeacon == offer beacon asset name for this swap's offer asset.
    • askId == policy id of the ask asset.
    • askName == asset name of the ask asset.
    • askBeacon == ask beacon asset name for this swap's ask asset.
    • swapPrice denominator > 0
    • swapPrice > 0
  6. The offer asset and ask assets must be different assets.
  7. The address' staking credential must signal approval.
  8. Any unused beacons must be burned.

Requirement 7 guarantees that only the owner can close/update a swap and claim the assets.

  • The SpendWithMint+CreateOrCloseSwaps combination allows closing swaps and/or converting swaps to new trading pairs.
  • The SpendWithStake+UpdateSwaps combination allows updating the prices of swaps when no beacons need to be minted/burned.

Delegating the update checks to the beacon script is dramatically more efficient than having the spending script do the checks. This difference is due to the redundant executions from spending scripts.

All swap UTxOs being spent by the owner should use the same spending redeemer/beacon redeemer combination. The only time the SpendWithStake+UpdateOnly combination should be used is when all swaps are only having their prices updated (hence the name of the beacon redeemer). If even one swap is being closed or converted to another trading pair, then the SpendWithMint+CreateOrCloseSwaps combination should be used for all swap UTxOs being spent. It is technically possible to use both combinations in a single transaction but since the checks are identical except for the minting/burning, using both combinations is just a waste of transaction fees since the beacon script will be executed twice where the second execution is completely redundant.

In order to reclaim the deposit, the beacons must be burned which means the SpendWithMint+CreateOrCloseSwaps combination is required. This combination also allows moving swaps to a new swap address in case the owner wants to change the staking credential for the swap address. The original staking credential must still aprove the transaction.

Executing a One-Way Swap

Any Cardano user can execute an available swap using the Swap redeemer as long as the swap conditions are met.

At a high level, the Swap redeemer uses the swap input's output reference and datum to find the corresponding swap output. The checks are essentially:

  1. Does this output have the trading pair beacon from the input?
  2. If "Yes" to (1), is this output locked at the address where the input comes from?
  3. If "Yes" to (2), does this output have the proper datum for the corresponding output?
  4. If "Yes" to (3), this is the corresponding output.

It then compares the value of that output to the input to determine the swap's asset flux. Since the spending script first checks for the trading pair beacon, each execution is dedicated to a specific trading pair. Any other outputs are ignored in this specific execution. This logic works because a script is executed once for every UTxO spent from the address. If input 1 is for beacon XYZ and input 2 is for beacon ABC, the first execution can be dedicated to beacon XYZ and the second execution can be dedicated to ABC. The net transaction will only succeed if all executions succeed. This behavior allows cheaply composing swaps of different trading pairs that are located at the same address. In other words, the design is taking advantage of the redundant executions.

At a low-level, for a swap execution to be successfull, all of the following must be true:

  1. The input must contain the beacon for that trading pair - the required beacon is gotten from the datum for that UTxO. If the beacon is present, that means the datum is valid.
  2. There must be an output to this address with the proper value and inline SwapDatum:
    • Must contain exactly the same value as the input except for the ask asset, offer asset, and ada.
    • All fields in the datum must be the same as the input datum except the prevInput field must be Just(input_ref) where input_ref is the corresponding input's output reference.
  3. Offered asset taken * price <= asked asset given.
  4. Only the offered asset can leave and only the ask asset can be deposited. Ada can always be deposited in case the minUTxOValue increased.

Requirement 1 guarantees that all invalid UTxOs (those missing beacons) belong to the address owner and that swap inputs have a valid price: denominator > 0 and price > 0.

Requirements 2 & 4 guarantee that beacons from other trading pairs cannot be combined into one output UTxO. This has two beneficial consequences:

  1. The swap logic is kept very simple.
  2. All swap UTxOs are as small as possible which maximizes how many swaps can be composed in a single Tx as well as how easily the beacons can be queried.

Custom error messages are included to help troubleshoot why a swap failed.

Two-Sway Swaps

Two-way swaps use one universal spending script for all swap pairs and one universal beacon script for all trading pairs. The beacon script can be executed as either a minting policy or a staking script depending on whether beacons must be minted/burned. This flexibility of how the beacon script can be executed allows the spending script to delegate certain checks to the beacon script to minimize redundant executions.


Two-way swaps use three beacons: a trading pair beacon, an asset1 beacon, and an asset2 beacon. The asset1 and asset2 beacons serve as both offer and ask beacons since two-way swaps can technically go in either direction.

The asset1 beacon asset name is sha2_256( asset1_policy_id ++ asset1_asset_name ).

The asset2 beacon asset name is sha2_256( asset2_policy_id ++ asset2_asset_name ).

The trading pair beacon asset name is sha2_256( asset1_id ++ asset1_name ++ asset2_id ++ asset2_name ). However, in the case where one of the assets is ada (which is just the empty bytestring), the ada policy id is set to "00" instead. For example, an ADA <-> DJED swap pair beacon would be: sha2_256("00" ++ "" ++ djed_id ++ djed_name). This is required to distinguish between the trading pair and asset beacons whenever ada is part of the pair.

Asset1 and asset2 are the sorted trading pair. Trading pairs are sorted lexicographically by name. As in the previous example, for the trading pair ADA <-> DJED, the empty bytestring (on-chain representation for ada's policy id) is less than DJED's policy id which means, for this trading pair, asset1 is ada and asset2 is DJED. This sorting is done for two reasons:

  1. The trading pair beacon asset name does not depend on the swap's direction.
  2. The datum information can be standardized for each trading pair, regardless of swap direction. This makes processing the off-chain queries more efficient.

The hashes are used because token names are capped at 64 characters. Simply concatenating the name information would not fit within this requirement. However, hashing the result of the concatenation guarantees all names are unique while still fitting within 64 characters.

These beacons allow for expressive queries since they allow querying by offer, by ask, or by trading pair. This extra expressiveness improves the arbitrager's ability to find profitable paths through currently open swaps.

Swap Address

All users get a single swap address where all of their two-way swaps will be located. This universal address can enforce all possible swaps for the user. And since users only need to worry about a single address, it keeps the UI simple.

Beacon Script Redeemers

Two beacon script redeemers are introduced here; their usage is explained further below.

data BeaconRedeemer
  = CreateOrCloseSwaps -- ^ Executes the beacon script as a minting policy.
  | UpdateSwaps -- ^ Executes the beacon script as a staking script.
Spending Script Redeemers

Four spending script redeemers are introduced here; their usage is explained further below.

data SwapRedeemer
  = SpendWithMint -- ^ Delegates checks to the beacon script's minting policy execution.
  | SpendWithStake -- ^ Delegates checks to the beacon script's staking script execution.
  | TakeAsset1 -- ^ Take asset 1 from the swap and give asset 2.
  | TakeAsset2 -- ^ Take asset 2 from the swap and give asset 1.

Only the owner (signified by the address' staking credential) can use the SpendWithMint and SpendWithStake redeemers. Anyone can use the TakeAsset1 or TakeAsset2 redeemers as long as the swap conditions are met.


Inline datums are used for all UTxOs. All UTxOs get the same type of datum:

data SwapDatum = SwapDatum
  { beaconId :: CurrencySymbol -- ^ Beacon script hash for two-way swaps.
  , pairBeacon :: TokenName -- ^ The asset name for the beacon for this trading pair.
  , asset1Id :: CurrencySymbol -- ^ The policy id for the first asset in the sorted pair.
  , asset1Name :: TokenName -- ^ The asset name for the first asset in the sorted pair.
  , asset1Beacon :: TokenName -- ^ The asset name for the asset1 beacon.
  , asset2Id :: CurrencySymbol -- ^ The policy id for the second asset in the sorted pair.
  , asset2Name :: TokenName -- ^ The asset name for the second asset in the sorted pair.
  , asset2Beacon :: TokenName -- ^ The asset name for the asset2 beacon.
  , asset1Price :: Rational -- ^ The swap price to take asset1 as a fraction: Asset2/Asset1.
  , asset2Price :: Rational -- ^ The swap price to take asset2 as a fraction: Asset1/Asset2.
  , prevInput :: Maybe TxOutRef -- ^ The output reference for the corresponding swap input.

The beacon information in the datum prevents misuse of beacons. The spending script forces all beacons to be burned instead of being withdrawn. This ensures that beacons can only ever be located at swap addresses. If the wrong beacon information is supplied to the datum, the resulting Swap UTxO can be locked forever. (See the FAQ for more information on this.)

The Rational type is a fraction (decimal types do not work on-chain). All prices in Cardano-Swaps are relative (similar to limit orders in an order-book exchange). Swaps are always priced in askedAsset/offeredAsset. For example, if ADA is being offered for DUST at a price of 1.5 (converted to 3/2), the contract requires that 3 DUST are deposited for every 2 ADA removed from the swap address. Ratios of DUST:ADA >= 3/2 will pass, while ratios < 3/2 will fail.

Since all prices are askedAsset/offeredAsset, asset2 is being offered in asset2Price and asset1 is being offered in asset1Price.

When engaging in swaps, it is only necessary that the desired swap ratio is met; not all assets in the UTxO must be swapped. For example, if there is 100 ADA in a swap requesting 2:1 for DUST, a user may swap 20 ADA, as long as they return 80 ADA and 10 DUST in the same Tx. Since every user explicitly defines their desired swap ratios, oracles are not required. The "global" price naturally emerges where the local bids and asks meet - just like an order-book.

All prices for ADA must be in units of lovelace.

Creating a Two-Way Swap

Swap "writers" must first create a swap by using the CreateOrCloseSwaps redeemer. In order to mint beacons with this redeemer, all of the following must be true:

  1. The beacon script must be executed as a minting policy.
  2. The beacons must go to an address protected by the two-way swap spending script.
  3. The beacons must go to an address using a valid staking credential.
  4. The UTxOs with the beacons must have the proper value:
    • Exactly three kinds of beacons: pair beacon, asset1 beacon, and asset2 beacon.
    • The beacons must correspond to the beacons in the datum.
    • There must be exactly 1 of each beacon.
    • No extraneous assets are in the UTxO. Ada is always allowed.
  5. The beacons must be stored with the proper inline SwapDatum:
    • beaconId == this beacon script's hash.
    • pairBeacon == trading pair beacon asset name for this swap.
    • asset1Id == policy id of asset1 for that trading pair.
    • asset1Name == asset name of asset1 for that trading pair.
    • asset1Beacon == beacon asset name for asset1.
    • asset2Id == policy id of asset2 for that trading pair.
    • asset2Name == asset name of asset2 for that trading pair.
    • asset2Beacon == beacon asset name for asset2.
    • asset1Price denominator > 0
    • asset1Price > 0
    • asset2Price denominator > 0
    • asset2Price > 0
    • asset1 < asset2

The spending script will assume that the trading pairs are sorted which is why asset1 must be less than asset2. Asset1 and asset2 cannot be the same asset.

Once the beacons are minted to the swap address, the spending script does not allow closing the swap unless the beacons are being burned. This prevents beacons from being sent to unrelated addresses and guarantees the integrity of the off-chain queries.

All swaps must be stored with the proper beacons. Due to this requirement, the absolute minimum possible value for a swap UTxO to have is about 2 ADA. This minimum value can be reclaimed upon closing the swap so it should be thought of as a deposit. All open swaps require a deposit of at least 2 ADA.

It is possible to open swaps for multiple different trading pairs in a single transaction. The beacon script is capable of still ensuring that all beacons are stored properly (with the proper value and datum). For example, since each beacon's datum is specific to that beacon, mixing up beacons and datums will cause the minting transaction to fail.

Closing or Updating a Two-Way Swap

Open Swap UTxOs can be closed or updated by the address owner (signified by the address' staking credential). After checking that the owner approves the transaction, the spending script will delegate the rest of the checks to the beacon script. The spending script's redeemer is used to tell the script where to find proof of the beacon script's execution. If the beacon script's execution is not found, the transaction is guaranteed to fail.

The requirements for successfully spending a swap UTxO as the owner are:

  1. If the SpendWithMint spending script redeemer is used, the beacon script must be executed as a minting policy using the CreateOrCloseSwaps beacon script redeemer. If the SpendWithStake spending script redeemer is used, the beacon script must be executed as a staking script using the UpdateSwaps beacon script redeemer.
  2. The beacons must go to an address protected by the two-way swap spending script.
  3. The beacons must go to an address using a valid staking credential.
  4. The UTxOs with the beacons must have the proper value:
    • Exactly three kinds of beacons: pair beacon, asset1 beacon, and asset2 beacon.
    • The beacons must correspond to the beacons in the datum.
    • There must be exactly 1 of each beacon.
    • No extraneous assets are in the UTxO. Ada is always allowed.
  5. The beacons must be stored with the proper inline SwapDatum:
    • beaconId == this beacon script's hash.
    • pairBeacon == trading pair beacon asset name for this swap.
    • asset1Id == policy id of asset1 for that trading pair.
    • asset1Name == asset name of asset1 for that trading pair.
    • asset1Beacon == beacon asset name for asset1.
    • asset2Id == policy id of asset2 for that trading pair.
    • asset2Name == asset name of asset2 for that trading pair.
    • asset2Beacon == beacon asset name for asset2.
    • asset1Price denominator > 0
    • asset1Price > 0
    • asset2Price denominator > 0
    • asset2Price > 0
    • asset1 < asset2
  6. The address' staking credential must approve.
  7. Any unused beacons must be burned.

Requirement 6 guarantees only the swap owner can close/update swaps.

  • The SpendWithMint+CreateOrCloseSwaps combination allows closing swaps and/or converting swaps to new trading pairs.
  • The SpendWithStake+UpdateSwaps combination allows updating the prices of swaps when no beacons need to be minted/burned.

Delegating the update checks to the beacon script is dramatically more efficient than having the spending script do the checks. This difference is due to the redundant executions from spending scripts.

All swap UTxOs being spent by the owner should use the same spending redeemer/beacon redeemer combination. The only time the SpendWithStake+UpdateOnly combination should be used is when all swaps are only having their prices updated (hence the name of the beacon redeemer). If even one swap is being closed or converted to another trading pair, then the SpendWithMint+CreateOrCloseSwaps combination should be used for all swap UTxOs being spent. It is technically possible to use both combinations in a single transaction but since the checks are identical except for the minting/burning, using both combinations is just a waste of transaction fees since the beacon script will be executed twice where the second execution is completely redundant.

In order to reclaim the deposit, the beacons must be burned which means the SpendWithMint+CreateOrCloseSwaps combination is required. This combination also allows moving swaps to a new swap address in case the owner wants to change the staking credential for the swap address. The original staking credential must still aprove the transaction.

Executing a Two-Way Swap

Any Cardano user can execute an available swap using either the TakeAsset1 or TakeAsset2 redeemer as long as the swap conditions are met. When TakeAsset1 is used, the asset1Price is used, and asset1 is the offer asset while asset2 is the ask asset. When TakeAsset2 is used, the asset2Price is used, and asset2 is the offer asset and asset1 is the ask asset.

At a high level, the spending script uses the swap input's output reference and datum to find the corresponding swap output. The checks are essentially:

  1. Does this output have the trading pair beacon from the input?
  2. If "Yes" to (1), is this output locked at the address where the input comes from?
  3. If "Yes" to (2), does this output have the proper datum for the corresponding output?
  4. If "Yes" to (3), this is the corresponding output.

It then compares the value of that output to the input to determine the swap's asset flux. Since the spending script first checks for the beacon, each execution is dedicated for a specific trading pair. Any other outputs are ignored in this specific execution. This logic works because a script is executed once for every UTxO spent from the address. If input 1 is for beacon XYZ and input 2 is for beacon ABC, the first execution can be dedicated to beacon XYZ and the second execution can be dedicated to ABC. The net transaction will only succeed if all executions succeed. This behavior allows cheaply composing swaps of different trading pairs that are located at the same address. In other words, the logic takes advantage of the redundant executions.

At a low-level, for a swap execution to be successfull, all of the following must be true:

  1. The input must contain the beacon for that trading pair - the required beacon is gotten from the datum for that UTxO. If the beacon is present, that means the datum is valid.
  2. There must be an output to this address with the proper value and inline SwapDatum:
    • Must contain exactly the same value as the input except for the ask asset, offer asset, and ada.
    • All fields the same as the input datum except the prevInput field must be Just(input_ref) where input_ref is the corresponding input's output reference.
  3. Offered asset taken * price <= asked asset given.
  4. Only the offered asset can leave and only the ask asset can be deposited. Ada can always be deposited in case the minUTxOValue increased.

Requirement 1 guarantees that all invalid UTxOs (those missing beacons) belong to the address owner and that swap inputs have a valid price: denominator > 0 and price > 0.

Requirements 2 & 4 guarantee that beacons from other trading pairs cannot be combined into one output UTxO. This has two beneficial consequences:

  1. The swap logic is very simple.
  2. All swap UTxOs are as small as possible which maximizes how many swaps can be composed in a single Tx as well as how easily the beacons can be queried.

Custom error messages are included to help troubleshoot why a swap failed.

Benchmarks and Fee Estimations (YMMV)

The protocol is capable of handling 25 swaps in a single transaction, regardless of the composition of one-way and two-way swaps in the transaction.

No CIPs or hard-forks are needed. This protocol works on the Cardano blockchain, as is.

Full benchmarking details can be found in the Benchmarks folder.

Features Discussion

Full Custody

Since users get their own DEX addresses which use their own staking credentials for spending authorization, users maintain full custody of their assets at all times while using the DEX. Not your keys, not your crypto.

Full Delegation & Voting Control

Since all users get their own DEX address, all users maintain full delegation and voting control of their assets at all times. This means, as the blockchain economy grows, Cardano's Proof-of-Stake becomes more secure. This is exactly the opposite of a blockchain economy based on LPs.

Trustlessly Composable Swaps

Since multiple swaps are composable into a single transaction, any arbitrarily complex swap transaction can be created. The only limits are the size and execution budgets of transactions, which are Cardano protocol parameters.

The swaps can be trustlessly composed with any DApp (not just the p2p protocols), including those that use batchers. For example, Alice can use a swap to convert DJED to USDC, use the USDC to buy an options contract on the secondary market, and then immediately execute that contract, all in the same transaction. The transaction will fail if any of the intermediate steps fail. No meta-logic is required to enforce trustless composition. As this example shows, this trustless composition allows for a complex economy to form on Cardano - one with absolutely no required middle-men. And since this trustless composition across protocols is something even TradFi doesn't have (ie, only the Wall Streets of the world have access to these compositions), the blockchain economy can possibly allow for even greater economic flexibility than what is currently possible in TradFi.

Naturally Incentivized Liquidity

Liquidity in Cardano-Swaps is a naturally emergent property; it arises from the (healthy) incentives for users to provide liquidity with two-way swaps and arbitragers to compose complex swaps. As long as the entry and exit swap pairs have enough liquidity, arbitragers can spread liquidity into less liquid swap pairs. As a bonus, the very nature of illiquidity implies great arbitrage opportunities. The more illiquid a swap pair, the greater the potential arbitrage profits. Providing liquidity and participating in arbitrage is permissionless, so anyone can create their own strategies/algorithms to provide liquidity or find the most profitable "path" through the sea of available swaps.

Since stake pool operators are required to always be connected to the network, they are uniquely positioned to serve as arbitragers. It can provide another potential source of profit for all stake pools operators, including the small pool operator who rarely makes blocks.

To fully appreciate the implications of the two-way swaps, it helps to consider a few examples:

The Contrived Arbitrage Example
Alice has 10 ADA in her swap and is willing to swap them for 0.5 AGIX/ADA.
Bob has 10 AGIX in his swap and is willing to swap them for 1 ADA/AGIX.

In this example, Charlie can profitably arbitrage and fulfill both of these swaps like this:

Charlie looks up all swaps willing to swap AGIX/ADA. Charlie finds Alice's swap.
Charlie looks up all swaps willing to swap ADA/AGIX. Charlie finds Bob's swap.
Charlie gives Bob 10 ADA and receives 10 AGIX.
Charlie gives Alice 5 AGIX and receives 10 ADA.
Charlie now has his original 10 ADA plus an additional 5 AGIX.
This all occurs in one transaction where Charlie pays the transaction fee.

On net, Charlie pays the transaction fees and receives 5 AGIX in return, while both Alice's and Bob's swaps are fulfilled.

The Realistic Arbitrage Example
Alice has 10 ADA in her swap and is willing to swap them for 1 DUST/ADA.
Bob has 10 DUST in his swap and is willing to swap them for 0.5 AGIX/DUST.
Charlie has 10 AGIX in his swap and is willing to swap them for 1 HOSKY/AGIX.
Mike has 10 HOSKY in his swap and is willing to swap them for 1 ADA/HOSKY.

In this example, Sarah can profitably arbitrage and fulfill all of these swaps like this:

Sarah looks up all swaps willing to swap DUST/ADA. Sarah finds Alice's swap.
Sarah looks up all swaps willing to swap AGIX/DUST. Sarah finds Bob's swap.
Sarah looks up all swaps willing to swap HOSKY/AGIX. Sarah finds Charlie's swap.
Sarah looks up all swaps willing to swap ADA/HOSKY. Sarah finds Mike's swap.
Sarah gives Mike 10 ADA and receives 10 HOSKY.
Sarah gives Charlie 10 HOSKY and receives 10 AGIX.
Sarah gives Bob 5 AGIX and receives 10 DUST.
Sarah gives Alice 10 DUST and receives 10 ADA.
Sarah now has her original 10 ADA plus an additional 5 AGIX.
This all occurs in one transaction where Sarah pays the transaction fee.

On net, Sarah pays the transaction fee and receives 5 AGIX in return, while four swaps are fulfilled. As shown in this example, Sarah fulfills both the AGIX/DUST swap and the HOSKY/AGIX swap by "passing through" those pairs on her way back to ada. As long as the entry and exit pairs (in this case ADA/HOSKY and DUST/ADA) have enough liquidity, arbitragers can spread that liquidity into less liquid swap pairs. And since two-way swaps naturally incentivize providing liquidity for major trading pairs (see the next two sub-sections), this requirement for entry and exit liquidity is naturally incentivized to be satisfied.

Since the current design is capable of handling 25 swaps in a single transaction, there is ample flexibility for finding arbitrage opportunities. For example, maybe the 3rd swap is at a slight loss but the 5th swap is such a good arbitrage that it more than makes up for it resulting in a net profit for the arbitrage.

The Stablecoin <-> Stablecoin Two-Way Swap

Currently, DApps treat stablecoins individually (ie, you may be able to buy an options contract using DJED but not USDC). This means, even though all stablecoins are practically the US dollar, the liquidity is fractured across all stablecoins. Two-way swaps change this.

Imagine if Charlie has a swap for DJED <-> USDC where converting assets in either direction requires paying a 1% premium. The very existence of this swap, combined with the fact that Cardano-Swaps is freely composable with all DApps, means users can freely convert between stablecoins as needed. The liquidity would no longer be fractured. Alice can convert her DJED to USDC in the same transaction where she is buying an options contract that is asking for USDC. She just has to pay Charlie the 1% fee for the conversion.

Since two-way swaps can go in either direction, these swaps do not need to be reset after each swap. For example, after Alice deposits DJED into the swap to claim USDC, Bob can now use the swap to convert his USDC to DJED by paying a 1% fee. Either way, Charlie makes 1% per swap and is paid directly in the stablecoin being deposited. And since the stablecoins are supposed to be 1:1 with the US dollar, the only risk is a peg-break. Anyone can be a liquidity provider and profit like Charlie does in this example.

Being able to treat all stablecoins as a single stablecoin will be a game changer for DeFi.

The Volatile Two-Way Swap

While the stablecoin <-> stablecoin two-way swaps are the least risky, there is also an incentive to provide liquidity for volatile pairs. Consider two assets like ada and DUST. Imagine if Alice thinks ada is going to appreciate against DUST; therefore, she would rather have ada. Her prices can reflect this: converting ADA -> DUST could require a 15% premium while converting DUST -> ADA could require only a 5% premium. Would anyone pay the 15% premium?

Yes, arbitragers would. Imagine if an arbitrager found a really good opportunity but they needed the ada. As long as the overall profit from the arbitrage can cover the 15% premium (and then some), the arbitrager may be more than willing to pay this high premium. Consider the realistic arbitrage example where Sarah paid the transaction fee and got 5 AGIX from the arbitrage. According to the benchmarks, composing 4 swaps requires about a 0.5 ADA transaction fee. This is practically equivalent to Sarah paying 0.5 ADA for 5 AGIX. What if the current market rate is 0.66 ADA/AGIX? If Sarah immediately sold her new AGIX, she would get 3.3 ADA. That is a 560% yield! Sarah has plenty of income to cover a 15% premium if needed. Since the protocol supports chaining up to 25 swaps, it is actually likely that arbitragers will be able to find opportunities that justify paying this high premium.

Providing liquidity for volatile pairs is an active trade. If the price moved against Alice by more than 15%, Alice's ada will likely be entirely converted to DUST. Alice must keep an eye on the exchange rates to protect herself. Higher potential profit also carries with it higher potential risk.

This use case is meant more for professional traders but anyone can provide liquidity like this.

Expressive Beacon Queries

Offer and ask based queries allow another class of queries, in addition to querying by trading pair. For example, arbitragers can use these queries to find profitable swap compositions based on current market demand. Without them, the arbitragers would be required to know what trading pairs to check in advance. But what if there was a token that they had never heard of? This opportunity would be missed. With offer and ask based queries, these unheard of tokens would be returned by the first query and the arbitrage algorithms can decide which other assets to query based on those results. In short, offer and ask based queries allow for organic discovery of arbitrage composition paths.

Single Swap Addresses

This dramatically improves the usability of the DEX since users/frontends don't need to manage a possibly infinite set of addresses for users.

Democratic Upgradability

Upgrades to Cardano-Swaps can propagate through the ecosystem of users in a similarly democratic fashion as SPOs upgrading their pools to a new version of cardano-node. Since users can close their swaps at any time, whenever there is a potential upgrade, users can choose to close their current swaps and recreate them with the new contracts. There is never a bifurcation of liquidity due to the composable nature of all swaps, regardless of the protocol's version.

Frontend Agnosticism

Thanks to the query-ability of beacon tokens, it is trivial for any frontend to integrate with Cardano-Swaps. For example, any wallet can integrate cardano-swaps by adding support for querying the beacon tokens. They can also add their own user friendly way to create and use swaps. The only requirement is that all frontends/users agree to use the same beacon token standard. There is no need for dedicated (censorable) frontends.

Naturally Resistant to Denial-of-Service Attacks

Recall that each swap requires a deposit of at least 2 ADA. While this behavior is due to the current protocol parameters, it is actually a good thing since it helps prevent denial-of-service attacks. For example, since the protocol does not check that the assets in the datum are real assets, it is possible to create swaps for fake assets. This does not impact normal users who are querying swaps for a known trading pair. The user would have to deliberately query a trading pair that contains a fake asset in order to see these fake UTxOs.

These fake asset UTxOs only really impact offer and ask queries which are mainly for arbitragers who will likely have powerful hardware. Since these fake UTxOs still require 2 ADA, creating millions of them (enough to disrupt the arbitragers) would require a deposit of millions of ada throughout the life of the denial-of-service attack. The only way to reclaim the ada is to stop the attack. Furthermore, checking if an asset is real is trivial (look for mint history). Once an arbitrager realizes an asset is fake, they can ignore it. So an actual denial-of-service attack would require constantly changing the millions of fake swaps to new fake swaps; this has a large cost in terms of transaction fees which makes this impractical to do at scale.


Most swaps will be just above or just below the market price so won't this mean the concurrency benefits are overblown?

Not at all. This is literally how a real market works. The market price is not a real phenomenon; it is estimated based off the buyers' and sellers' asking prices. Look at any order book in TradFi and you will see exactly this "gap" between the buyers and sellers. You can think of the market price as the midpoint between the buyers' and sellers' asking prices. It is not an actual point.

A healthy market does not need optimal concurrency at the market price. Instead, what is important is that when market sentiment shifts, the market price can easily shift with it. This is exactly what is possible by having most swaps concentrated just above or below the market price. If Alice suddenly finds herself really needing USDC, she will have ample swaps to choose from if she pays a little more than she originally would have. Her new circumstances may justify this higher price. This is literally what it means to say that market sentiment has shifted and the market price needs to be updated to reflect it.

If there is one two-way swap UTxO with 1000 DJED and there are 10 users trying to use 100 DJED each, isn't this still a concurrency issue despite having enough liquidity?

Yes, this is a concurrency bottleneck but no, this is not an issue. Cardano-Swaps addresses these bottlenecks by natively supporting a healthy fee market.

Imagine a slightly simpler example: Alice has a 100 DJED swap available for ADA at 1:1, and Mike and Charlie both want 50 DJED from it. No liquidity bottleneck here, just a concurrency bottleneck. If Mike and Charlie do not want to deal with the concurrency bottleneck, they can pay arbitragers to execute the swaps for them. Here is how it would work:

  • Both Mike and Charlie create one-way swaps for 50.2 ADA -> 50 DJED (a price of about 0.99 DJED per ADA). If executed against Alice's swap, Mike and Charlie would each get 50 DJED and whoever executes their swaps gets to keep the other 0.2 ADA per swap. These swaps are effectively saying: "I'll pay you 0.2 ADA to execute this swap for me."
  • Sarah, an arbitrager, can see all three swaps and executes them, keeping the 0.4 ADA arbitrage (0.2 ADA from Mike's swap and 0.2 ADA from Charlie's swap). After the 0.2 ADA transaction fee, she pockets the remaining 0.2 ADA.

In other words, Mike and Charlie deliberately create an arbitrage opportunity so that arbitragers will want to execute their swaps. If Charlie really needs his swap executed ASAP, he can configure his swap so that he gets 50 DJED and the arbitrager gets 0.5 ADA for executing his swap. Basically, the more attractive the buyer makes the arbitrage opportunity, the more arbitragers will compete for it and the faster their swap will be converted.

From the perspective of the arbitragers, the only cost to them is the transaction fee which scales very slowly relative to the number of swaps in the transaction (25 swaps costs about 2 ADA). Combine this with the fact that these transactions are risk free for arbitragers (a failed transaction is no cost to the arbitrager) and you end up with very healthy incentives for arbitragers to want to do this and satisfy as many users as possible with each transaction. The risk free nature means arbitragers would even be willing to do this for small profits like 0.2 ADA. Being an arbitrager is fully permissionless so anyone can start generating income this way.

These incentives are how Cardano-Swaps natively creates a fee market. It is effectively no different than paying a larger transaction fee to ensure your transaction gets into the next block. Furthermore, since users must explicitly set their prices which are trustlessly enforced, abuse by arbitragers is simply not possible.

As this scenario shows, most users will likely not be competing for swaps - arbitragers and other businesses will be. Most users will create orders via swap UTxOs that are then swept by these businesses. This results in there being zero concurrency problem for the end user.

When it comes to creating a decentralized economy, not every feature needs to be directly enabled by the DApp. Some features can, and should, be left to the market to fill.

What about swap collisions?

Recall the composition examples above. What would happen if another user simultaneously submits a transaction using one of the same "Swap" UTxOs as an input? Whichever transaction is processed by (most) nodes first will succeed, and the other will fail entirely. If the first transaction is processed before the second (as in a normal scenario), the second transaction will fail due to the UTxO being spent already. Either way, the collateral from the transactions will be safe.

Arbitragers will be in constant competition with one another to query and execute the most profitable swaps at any point in time, and must strike a balance between simple swaps and complex swaps. There is a lot of stochasticity here; the higher the ratio of open swaps to arbitragers, the lower the overall chances of a collision, but the more attractive a particular swap is, the higher the chances of that particular collision. And "attractiveness" depends not only on the price of one swap, but how that price relates to all possible compositions involving that swap. The fact there there can potentially be an infinite number of paths through all open swaps means arbitragers can profit without having to rely on the same paths.

Won't all swaps be executed at the worst possible price the swap will support?

That is a very misleading way to put it. To be exact, there is no incentive for any user to pay more than the required swap ratio. This question is usually in the context of comparing atomic swaps against LPs. So let's compare the two!

As already mentioned, there is no incentive for users to pay more than the required swap ratio. However, it is impossible to ever get less than the specified amount. So while your profits are bounded, so are your losses.

For LPs, users will get whatever ratio the algorithm determines to be fair. When things are good, this means users get the best possible price. However, when things are bad, this means users will get the worst possible price. In other words, while profits are unbounded, so are the losses.

Which is more important for mass adoption: bounded losses or unbounded profits? The answer is definitely bounded losses. Risk management is something that is required by all institutions. Most people tend to to be loss averse (prospect theory). A regulated institution (especially a publicly traded one) will need to always be able to manage any risk of loss. Yield farming, where the institution is going to get paid a useless token, is simply not going to cut it.

The fact that Cardano-Swaps prioritizes risk management over unbounded profits is a feature, not a bug.

If all users share a spending script, how are their assets protected?

The spending script gets the staking credential from the address of the Swap UTxO being spent at run-time. The address of the UTxO being validated is given to the script by the ledger which means the address is unspoofable. When an owner related action is being performed (closing or updating positions), the spending script requires that the staking credential "signals approval" of the action:

  • If the staking credential is a pubkey, the staking pubkey must sign the transaction.
  • If the staking credential is a script, the script must be executed in the same transaction.

The staking credential effectively becomes the "owner" for all actions except for the actual swap execution, in which case the spending credential is used directly.

Note: It is possible to execute a staking script even if 0 ADA is withdrawn from a reward address. The only requirement to use staking scripts like this is that the associated stake address must be registered; it does not need to be delegated. Stake addresses can be utilized this way as soon as the registration transaction is added to the chain. There is no epoch waiting-period.

What happens if a Swap UTxO is created at an address without a staking credential?

Just like how stake pool operators cannot deny delegators, addresses cannot deny UTxO creation. Therefore, it is possible to create UTxOs at a DEX address that does not have a staking credential. This address effectively has no "admin". In order to prevent permanent locking, the protocol allows anyone to spend this UTxO; it is first come, first serve.

There does not seem to be a use case for this address which is why beacons cannot be minted to an address without a staking credential.

What if a Swap UTxO has a misconfigured datum?

Swap UTxOs with misconfigured datums can never be stored with the beacons so other users will never see them. However, depending on how the datum was misconfigured, the UTxO could be locked forever.

Since the spending script does not know which assets are the beacons, it has no choice but to trust the datum. If the datum "lies" to the script, the script will not behave differently; it will treat that asset as the beacon even though it isn't one. This means the script will demand that the asset is burned instead of withdrawn. Imagine what would happen if ada is specified as the beacon. It is not possible to burn ada which means this burning requirement is impossible to satisfy. This UTxO would be locked forever. The same could be true for any native asset that the user does not control the burning of.

Creating a misconfigured datum is very hard to do. The cardano-swaps CLI handles creating the datum for the user. Messing up the datum would require manually creating the datum which requires deliberate intention. There is no reason for users to ever have to manually create the datums. Any frontend that integrate Cardano-Swaps should also handle the datum creation for the user.

Is it possible to have a Swap UTxO with beacons and none of the swappable asset?

Yes, however this is not an issue. Querying the beacons returns all swaps for that trading pair and the results can be further filtered by whether or not they have the swappable asset. Koios allows doing this extra filtering server-side so the computational burden is not placed on the end-user. The cardano-swaps CLI uses Koios like this. The following query is an example that returns all UTxOs with the beacon (policy id == 5c84..., asset name == 6424...) but only if it also contains the offer asset (policy id == c0f8..., asset name == 4f74...):

curl -g -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" 'https://preprod.koios.rest/api/v1/asset_utxos?select=is_spent,asset_list&is_spent=eq.false&asset_list=cs.[{"policy_id":"c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d","asset_name":"4f74686572546f6b656e0a"}]' -d '{"_asset_list":[ ["5c84e7433fdd13ca161bd4a6cd68fc6462fcca5aea07c5692be091df","6f245d4be7333223d88e7211c4de116208b8a3898c9a196e0579391fd03c8860"] ], "_extended": true }'

If Cardano-Swaps reaches mass adoption, won't TVL on Cardano go down?

Yes. Yes it will. TVL is a silly metric. It is a measure of who can be most inefficient with DeFi capital.

Won't Cardano-Swaps become obsolete once Axo launches?

No, it will not. Cardano-Swaps and Axo are going after two very different use cases.

Cardano-Swaps is trying to be an unalienable financial utility: uncensorable and equal access for all. This niche prioritizes availability over throughput. Meanwhile, Axo is trying to target the professional trader which prioritizes throughput over availability. They are both very legitimate, albiet very different niches.

Cardano-Swaps' existence is not meant to compete with Axo. Instead, it is meant to keep Axo in check. If Axo knows that users cannot go anywhere else, it could potentially abuse its users without recourse. By Cardano-Swaps being an unalienable alternative (even if it is less performant), Axo is forced to always treat its users well. The moment Axo starts abusing its users, the users can leave and use Cardano-Swaps. It is no different than transitioning from banking out of necessity (where profits are privatized and losses are socialized) to banking only if it adds value to your life.


The Cardano-Swaps protocol has all of the desired properties of a highly composable p2p-DEX that can serve as the bedrock of a healthy, complex, trustless, and decentralized blockchain economy. Thanks to the use of Beacon Tokens, decentralization is no longer limited by the design of DEXs. Instead, the limiting factor is now the off-chain querying. However, innovations in this space are still in the early days. The Koios API is an example of a more decentralized off-chain platform. As the technology improves, so too will the decentralization of the protocol.