
A ROS package that does the same as setting "multi_topic" on a Livox Mid-100 device, but does so even when the data is already recorded and you forgot to set the "multi_topic" parameter in the first place.

Primary LanguageCMakeBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A ROS package that does the same as setting "multi_topic" on a Livox Mid-100 device, but does so even when the data is already recorded and you forgot to set the "multi_topic" parameter in the first place.


The Mid-100 is actually a set of calibrated Mid-40 sensors, thus each message corresponds to one device. This program figures out which device the message corresponds to, and publishes it in another topic.


Install ROS and setup a catkin_ws. Depending on your installation, the name of ROS distribution in the next dependencies might change:

sudo apt install ros-noetic-pcl-ros ros-noetic-pcl-msgs ros-noetic-pcl-conversions

If you experience any problems at compile time, try installing these dependencies:

sudo apt install libpcl-dev libpcl-conversions-dev 

How to install

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/fallow24/Livox-Split-Mid-100.git
cd ..

How to use

rosrun livox_split_mid100 livox_split_mid100

The program will by default read data from /livox/lidar and publish to:

  • /livox/lidar_l (left device)
  • /livox/lidar_c (center device)
  • /livox/lidar_r (right device)

You can load the livox_split_view.rviz config file in RVIZ to vizualize the topics as in the image above, to make sure everything works.