
Use file_systen inside escript

pmartinezalvarez opened this issue · 7 comments

I am interested in using the library inside an escript. When I call {:ok, watcher_pid} = FileSystem.start_link(args) from iex evrithing is ok. But when I run the same code inside an escript it returns :ignore

Is there a way to deal with it?



@pmartinezalvarez I check the code, the issue is because we can't use :code.priv_dir in escript, I'll think more about how to make it configurable and works with both escript and distillery.
Will do it this weekend.

Thanks @falood :) I have been thinking in loading the /mac_listener at compilation time, on the fs_mac.ex file, as suggested in https://elixirforum.com/t/is-it-possible-to-include-resource-files-when-packaging-my-project-using-mix-escript/730/10.

I tried to compile c_src to binary for fs_mac at runtime if the executable file is not exists, but escript runtime don't have application :file_system, Mix and the c_src folder to compile.
So even though I added the way to config executable file path via config.exs or FILESYSTEM_FSMAC_EXECUTABLE_FILE env, the binary file should also be compiled manually with FILESYSTEM_FSMAC_EXECUTABLE_FILE=YOUR_EXECUTABLE_FILE_PATH mix file_system.fs_mac init before run mix escript.build.

It seems no better way to do everything automatic 😞

Thanks so much @falood! This is good enough for my use case.

file_system 0.1.4 released with this fix, enjoy ❤️