
Static universal build of ICU compatible with the simulator, armv7, armv7s, and arm64, ICU54.1 + compilation

Primary LanguageC++

ICU for iOS - armv7 / armv7s / arm64 / i386 / x86 64

This is a static universal build of ICU 54.1.1 for armv7, armv7s, arm64, x86 64 and i386 suitable for using in iOS apps. The icu directory is taken from here.

Setting it up

I recommend putting this repo under a Vendor directory inside your project folder so it remains portable.

$ git submodule add git@github.com:zhm/icu-ios.git YourAppName/Vendor/icu-ios

Compiling the static library

$ cd YourAppName/Vendor/icu-ios
$ ./build.sh

Important : It seems it does not compile with the Command Line Tools of Xcode 6.1. -> Use the Xcode 5.1.1 command lines tools. (Xcode preferences, Locations, Command Line Tools)

Adding it to your project

Add all of the .a files from the build-universal directory to your project from the Link Binary With Libraries section under the Build Phases tab in Xcode.

Under the Build Settings tab, add the path to the header files. Here are the header paths if you've placed this project inside a Vendor folder in your project:
