
Dockerfile with Nginx + php5-fpm + phalcon extension configured

Primary LanguageNginx

Nginx + Phalcon

  • nginx
  • php5-fpm
  • phalcon extension


docker run -d -v="/pathto/to/your/code":"/var/www" -p 8888:80 alfonso/nginx-phalcon


Document root

Additionally you can define the public folder for each instance by passing an env variable called WEBPUBLIC for example adding -e "WEBPUBLIC=public/es"

docker run -d -v="/pathto/to/your/code":"/var/www" -e "WEBPUBLIC=public/es" -p 8888:80 alfonso/nginx-phalcon

Will mount your folder /pathto/to/your/code as /var/www and the document root will be /var/www/public/es


Change -p 8888:80 Where 80 is the port exposed by the container and 8888 your choice port.