
:cherries: A framework for full stack development of Nodejs for SMEs(small and medium-sized enterprises)!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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A framework for full stack development of Nodejs for SMEs(small and medium-sized enterprises)!


  • Install
npm i @eryue/core
// or
yarn add @eryue/core
  • Hello, world !
import Eryue, {Router} from '@eryue/core';

  greet: 'Hello, world !'
class App extends Eryue {}

new App();

// curl localhost:8000/greet
// => Hello, world ! 


  • @Config(Object|String)

we can bind our app's config from here, if option is String, we'll think it's a file and try to ensure it exists then require it as config, or just an Object, some time we can visit it by cx.config;


  port: 1234
// or 

// app.config.js
module.exports = {
  port: 1234
  • all provided config items:
  // port: 8080,
  // favicon: '',
  // staticOption: {
  //   root: 'static'
  // },
  // https: {
  //   key: '',
  //   cert: ''
  // },
  // onlisten(port) {
  //   console.log('an app listening on ' + port);
  // }
  • @Router[all|get|put|post|patch|del|delete](prefix, Object)

we provide a very nice way to make your router Configurable & Combinable & Reusable, yeah, just a function mapping. see detail koa-router-mapping;

let's define a api, eg: /api/user/getUserInfo.

we recommand every api is a function or an array of function. consider the following pseudocode example.

async function getUserInfo($service, $helper) {
  const userInfo = await $service.getUserInfo(userId);

// api path can be splited by '/'
@Router.get('api', {
  'user/getUserInfo': getUserInfo
class App extends Eryue {}

new App();

as you see, getUserInfo just a function and has injected two params $service and $helper, there is too many params can be injected to our Router function, eg: $context/$next/$service/$helper and so on, actually, this is very pure for our api definition. as you like, you can look it as controler!

  • @Middlewares

  • @Service